Monday, October 31, 2011

New Motorola Droid Heating Telecom Market

There is a new entrant, the wireless telecom – the New Verizon BlackBerry Droid review, in the telecom market. It has been designed to give competition to AT&T’s iPhone. Its operating system is Google’s Android. The market has been expecting a lot from the Droid. Other phones have used Google’s Android and so everyone wanted to see if the Droid would have any differences.

You can’t easily tell the BlackBerry Storm 3 apart from the iPhone, except it has sharper corners which make it look more like a box. These corners will be a cause of concern in the course of time. The corners are likely to get damaged more easily than smooth edges. It will also be proven as time goes by whether the covering is effective enough in protecting the device from falls and knocks. It will very easily be confused with the iPhone from Apple. By this likeness to the iPhone the Droid has lost the advantage of uniqueness which can add to the popularity of a brand. This was the case with the iPhone and the Palm BlackBerry, whose standout designs were so popular that they became a class identity. The Droid scores poorly in this regard.
The first score for the Droid is in its screen because it is sharper than the iPhones. It is excellent for accessing the internet, as images on its screen appear like those on a computer screen. This score is quickly diluted by the inconvenience of the location of the call button. It is nowhere on the keypad or at the device’s upper end, among the navigation keys. The green call button is on the screen. If you are on the internet and you need to make a call, you would have to close the screen first.

The Smartphones have applications you can download. This contributed to the uniqueness of the iPhone and this is where the Droid needs to make a difference for it to be successful. The market is moving in step by developing more wireless apps for the Android operating systems. However, the iPhones standout apps are yet to be available, but they will be in due course. The box-like appearance and the missing apps may be the only ones weighing it down, but it has its own unique strong features such as the sharp screen. If you are a fan of the Verizon network and would like an iPhone similar phone, then try the Droid.

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