Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to find out whether your Sterling Silver Jewelry is Genuine

In this day and age, many people are desperate for money and they are willing to do anything to see that they make money. Since the most popular sectors of business are being targeted, the jewelry industry is not exempted. Out there in the market there are fake sterling silver jewelries and are being sold to unsuspecting buyers. This being the case, it is important for you to have the knowledge on how to check on the authenticity of the silver necklace you will be buying in the next jewelry store you come across.

Since sterling silver jewelry products have been found to be trendy and classic in the fashion world, you have to be careful on the silver jewelry piece you buy. The silver jewelry products have been discovered to be affordable and fashionable at the same time. The silver jewelry is an option to many since it goes with almost any attire that you put on. It does not matter whether you are going for a business meeting or hanging out with your friends; the silver necklace or bracelet you have will look fashionable and right for the occasion.

To know whether your silver jewelry you are purchasing is genuine, you should check whether it has the 925 stamp. This is a requirement by the law which went into effect on October 1st 1981. This is said to be the United States Code for National Gold and Silver Marking Act. On the silver jewelry, they should have an encryption which reads, sterling or 925 which is 92.5% which illustrates the percentage content of the silver you buy. Popularly, these marking are found on clasp when it comes to necklaces and on the inside in cases of bracelets and rings.

To determining whether the silver jewelry is genuine, an acid test was developed. This acid test makes use of the nitric acid. In most case, you should have an expert to conduct this for you. For the jewelry that you want to test, select a part that cannot be easily noticed and sprinkle a few drops of the nitric acid, rub it on the surface for a few seconds. If the piece is not genuine, the acid will turn great, if it is genuine, the acid will turn into a grey color.

To be cautious, always buy your silver necklaces and other sterling silver jewelry from sellers that are trusted. This will reduce your chances of landing on sellers that are bringing fake jewelry into the market.

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