Thursday, November 17, 2011

Smart Tablets, Apps and Support

While RIM is most well-known for its development of America's first smart phone, the BlackBerry, this first phone, developed in the late 1990s, has spawned an entire line of increasingly robust and sophisticated smart phones and smart tablets. Smart tablets are small handheld personal computer, which include a built-in 4G wi-fi connection, two cameras, a touchscreen, and several interesting and useful BlackBerry apps, also known as applications, which allow the user to manipulate, save, and share several types of documents such as spreadsheets, word processing files, and multimedia visual presentations. These documents obviously demonstrate some of the tablet’s inherent abilities, which include web browsing, playing and capturing photographs and video as well as video-based chatting.
While the majority of the previously mentioned applications are usually installed on the BlackBerry PlayBook prior to purchase, there are an increasing number of applications available for download from RIM’s own online applications store. At the same time, there are a wide variety of accessories, which are guaranteed to improve the customer’s PlayBook’s capabilities and overall performance. These accessories include: a portable magnetic charger- stand that allows subscribers to watch their tablets content, while it is being charged at a rate that is twice as fast as traditional USB port-based chargers. These interesting tablets can also be equipped with Bluetooth technology, which allows users to connect their BlackBerry smart phone with their tablet. The ability to do this allows for data transfer from one unit to the other without much of a hassle.
However, if you're like me, then you are not technologically minded, and may think that the capabilities of these new technologies are so far above your own understanding that you can never use either a smart phone or a tablet. This is not the case. RIM has created several different variants of BlackBerry support, which includes both customer and technical services. Thanks to these developments, even someone who many consider technologically backwards can receive all the assistance needed to ensure that their fourth-generation tablet remains in working order, and that they are fully capable of using all applications and accessories to their fullest potential.
In closing, the wide variety of applications available for smart tablets, like the BlackBerry PlayBook, allow subscribers to perform all the tasks associated with 4G technology with ease and unbelievable speed. The presence of multiple forms of customer and technological services through RIM ensures that all BlackBerry devices will continue to improve in the realms of capabilities and performance.

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