Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Pros and Cons about the BlackBerry

The PlayBook made by RIM (Research-in-Motion) is one of the newest tablets to hit the market. It was made to be the first tablet for the professional world. It is tiny and slick, but does it perform the way many business people will need it to? Hopefully, this will answer anyone’s BlackBerry PlayBook questions.
The BlackBerry software PlayBook support is its OS QNX. This is supposedly one of the best operating systems available. The dual-core 1GHz TI OMAP is a great choice to combine with the OS. Plus, the 1GB of RAM makes this one of the best tablets to watch HD videos. It is available in 16, 32, and 64 GB of space.
The small packaging comes in a 7 inch display, 0.4 inches in thickness, and 0.9 pounds. This is quite the pocket tablet. It also makes a great travel companion. Women will also find that it can fit nicely into a purse.
The only actual buttons located on the PlayBook are the four located at the top. These are for controlling the volume, play or pause a video, and the power button. These seem to be one of the few problems with this tablet. The power button can really only be activated by using a fingernail and applying a lot of force. Considering the power button is the only way to turn off the screen, this would seem to be noticeable problem.
Another complication is that the PlayBook does not support USB storage. This makes getting a file off of it more difficult than it needs to be. It can be accessed by a computer by making it a drive file over USB. This results in only a small number of files being readable.
The battery life on this tablet is supposed to be between 8 to 10 hours with many advertisements only claiming 10. However, when this is put to the test the PlayBook only manages around 7 hours. This is in the middle range when compared to other competitors. It is still nothing to scoff about considering all that the PlayBook can manage within those 7 hours.
One of the most impressive things about this tablet is the business side of it. This is a serious tablet that has provides a great PowerPoint system and Word on the Go. These are just two of the benefits of this tablet. The BlackBerry Singapore also provides security to protect any information that does not need to be given out. Come to the website to find where can you get PlayBook and check the BlackBerry price.
Overall the BlackBerry Smartphone seems like a decent tablet for any professional to have. It does all of the basic tasks plus many more. The speed is excellent, and the high quality video makes any image superior. There are a few flaws, but it is a new program that has been put together. After a few upgrades the PlayBook is sure to be a first rate tablet.

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