Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New BlackBerry software for cooler Phones

If you are just a cell phone user and not much into the software jargon, then "OpenGL ES" won’t mean anything to you. BlackBerry Smartphone owners set to gain from enhancements that RIM is making to their product lines. BlackBerry-maker RIM enhanced their apps development platform to include four APIs that allow for better integration of things like payment services and ads and notifications for third-party developers plying their trade outside the RIM think-tank.

OpenGL ES is a graphics application that enables the creation of 3D graphics and games. Yes, Games! BlackBerry had taken itself out of the gaming market by marketing itself as a smartphone for serious people, who wouldn’t have time for games on their phone. Sadly, the target market that they had five years ago has morphed and businesses are being run by younger, more dynamic people who do appreciate having a game on their handheld. When cell phone companies come up with new tools and features, they should always know who will ultimately be using the phone and right now smartphones customers are getting younger and they are technologically savvy and won’t be impressed by the number of applications, especially if they don’t do anything much more than the usual. When the Storm range of BlackBerry phones was launched it came with a racing game and a new radical BlackBerry Software to put new meaning to what a Smartphone can do. This increased the excitement among gadget lovers to buy Blackberry.

Soon, themes will be linked to ring-tones and limited only to BlackBerry phones running on an operating system that is higher than the OS 6. Most new models have GPS as a standard feature and others don’t. The alliance with other software developers lets developers go further with what they can use like Adobe to create web development tools like Flash, Photoshop, and even Dreamweaver, making this truly a phone from which you can create anything.

What BlackBerry software improvements are being made that will make Smartphone manufacturers sit up and take notice? Not that much really, the greatest selling point thus far is that this is a smartphone for everyone. Its safety, integrity, and versatility make BlackBerry users stick to the brand. While technologies will always differ between phone manufacturers it changes so quickly that one phone has only a few months if not weeks to become the greatest in its league before another better phone with more uses comes along and steals the spotlight.

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