Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mobile phone navigation systems

The latest range of Smartphones posess advanced features including GPS navigation facilities, WiFi and even the ability to access mobile broadband. Despite such an extensive range of features these mobile phones are quite affordable. In fact, touch screen phones and BlackBerry models from different manufacturers are the most sought after devices.
The greatest advantage of having GPS navigation available through a mobile phone is that it allows the user to identify, their precise current location, meaning if for example you are lost in the deepest darkest jungle, as long as you have your mobile, you can pinpoint exactly where you are. This feature is similar to the systems used in Google Maps and Wiki maps. This global positioning system is made possible through the use of satellite vision. Satellites in orbit around the earth continually help to monitor the planet’s crust from different angles, using high-resolution telescopic features. With the aid of this technological advancement, a particular mobile phone can idnetify the particular place from where signals are being transmitted.
When your cell phone is switched on it is actively emitting signals that can be detected by the nearest satellite tower. These satellite towers are in turn connected to the satellites themselves. Hence, based on the particular tower from which the signals are received the identity of the location of a mobile phone is easily traced. Once the location is identified it is then easy, via an automated process, to display the location on a map of the world. This is how GPS systems operate and are perhaps best utilized these days in tnavigation systems assisting drivers in planning their route between different locations. Robot-operated vehicles usually operate only with the help of navigation systems. The advantage for the driver is that, once the details are logged into the system, they do not need to be concerned with memorising a certain route and knowing exactly when they need to turn left or right if they are travelling somewhere for the first time. Putting the system in auto will facilitate the steering to be controlled on its own according to the correct routes.
Initially the installation of GPS into the manufactture of mobile phones was a relatively complicated process. But now it is a feature that is used extensively, especially when traveling to or in previously unknown places and areas, where becomes a very handy tool indeed.

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