Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Silver – coinage and variety forms

The amount of impurities that are present in the sterling silver jewelry will determine the physical properties of the particular commodity. The range of the impurities could be anywhere in between 92.5 to 99.9. Still those predict and commodities that are well close to 98 percentage of silver are not suitable to be made into very fine jewelry. One can use them for a variety of different applications.
The ancient civilizations were using pure silver of such higher orders of purity for minting coins. These silver coins are of great value in the market. The exchange value of the silver coins is higher that one can even purchase bulks of vegetables, cattle and so on for its equivalence. Similarly, gold coins were also used in practice in the ancient times in different parts of the world. Bullions are made out of gold usually. Still there are bullion coins that are made out of silver as a fabulous souvenir to preserve for ages.
When you embellish the symbols and figures of your own choices in these bullions, it is a matter of prestige and such silver bullion coins are only awarded to some of the greater lifetime achievers. It is a matter of prestige to have one’s figure or symbol or brand names established in some of the silver or gold bullions. Purest forms of silver could be used for these purposes, as it is just easy to coin those using dyes and simple machinery meant for these applications.
On the contrary, if you want to make table wear of the flat kind, then there should be at least little amount of the impurities such as the copper that should be present along with the silver. It is only then these table wear and ornaments could be made with ease. Most of the ancient table wear are of the highest degree of purity level while they are made with silver. Hence, the last longer in their shine and attractiveness.
Moreover, the ancient civilizations were well aware of the techniques that are employed towards preserving and maintaining the luster in the silver table wear. Similarly, silver necklaces, silver bracelets, silver rings are all protected and well preserved in specially made wooden boxes with certain kind of herbs put along with them. These herbs prevent the silver products from reacting with the atmosphere. Hence, the products are safe and well maintained properly.

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