Sunday, July 17, 2011

History Of Mobile Devices

Most people use their cell devices without bothering to know where they come from. A survey conducted in a developed country showed that 70% of mobile users thought that their devices were fairly recent inventions. Most of them estimated that the devices were probably invented in the mid to late 1990s. It would come as a surprise for them to know that these devices have been in existence since the mid 1970s.

Unfortunately, back then the devices were used mostly by the government and its various agencies. The devices were bulky and could only be used when they were in range and it was not very often that such ranges could be established.

The nineties was the most important era for these devices. Services for the mobile devices were being created and most of the manufacturing companies were producing smaller and more efficient devices. This era saw the creation of other devices apart from cell phones.

The PDA phones, also called smart phones, came into being in 1992. The first device was presented by Apple Inc. It was a bulky machine with the ability to store and retrieve information. True smart phones came into being in the mid 90s; 1996 to be precise. This was when Nokia unveiled its first smart phone with basic telephony services as well as PDA capability. It was known as the Nokia 9000 Navigator. The unveiling of the Navigator set a precedent for more radical inventions. Nowadays, the smart phone has a number of applications, including music and video capabilities. These devices have come a long way from pocket calculators to full capacity pocket computers in the palm of your hand.

Cell phones came into being a long time ago when people used to communicate using radio technology. This phone came into existence in 1973 when a scientist for Motorola came up with the first ever mobile handset and made the first cell call. Other companies developed their own prototype models. The cell devices were distributed to just 2000 customers in Chicago and Tokyo. This incident created a major race for the improvement of these devices. In 1987, there were a total of a million devices in the US alone; and the telephone companies saw the potential in the market for these devices because it seemed like everyone wanted them. In the 1990s and early 2000 there was a major campaign to develop cheaper and smaller phones. Nowadays, almost every adult individual with a network access has a mobile device.

Touch phones use a basic technology of touch sensitive screens. They are basically phones, but with the screen acting as an input device. Touch screens first came into being in 1965.

The first touch screen was unveiled by a scientist in the UK. The earlier versions of the touch screens were not transparent, but the scientist came up with a transparent one in 1974. In 1977, he created and patented the five wire technology. This screen works by applying pressure to activate an application on the touch pad. Today, there are many other types of touch screens including infrared, capacitative screens and resistive screens.

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