Monday, July 11, 2011

Advantages of Mobile Devices Compared To Laptops

High end mobile devices offer the same basic properties as laptops. Devices like PDA phones and touch phones pack many features also available on laptops and other mini computers. There are many advantages that can be attributed to these devices, which include:
Mobile devices come in small and attractive packages. They can be easily carried in the pocket or in a bag, unlike a laptop computer which has to be carried in its carry case. It is much easier for the user of a mobile device to move around with this device and use it at his convenience whenever and wherever.
Faster communication
A mobile device is able to communicate, provided there is a network connection. Laptops require that there be a set up for the network. Mobile devices also offer better communication services like voice and text, without the need to download software to facilitate the services.
Smart phones offer easy organization of personal data and information. On the one hand, smart phones have easy to use and well placed organization software; while on the other hand, it is hard to locate and use this organization software available on a laptop. The smart devices also have downloadable applications that can aid in personal data organization.
Never out of reach
Laptops can keep someone in the loop but only when they are switched on. Mobile devices are usually almost always on and therefore a person at no one time is ever out of reach, unless there is no network connection. The mobile devices also keep a person posted of any new email messages through the personal notification services.
Better security
Some mobile devices like the Blackberry offer encrypted communication. It is therefore hard for anyone to capture and interpret the message being sent via a device. This offers effective security for the sender of the message, especially if it is a very important message that is being sent. A laptop only uses the security of the network it is on; this is not sufficient when sending crucial information.
From the above it is evident that a mobile device offers a lot more than any other form of computer, but that is not to say that it does not have any disadvantages. The major shortcoming of these devices is their high price. The devices are priced similar to or even higher than laptops and yet they have less functionality. The applications on some of these devices are also a lot hard to master their use. However, most of the above benefits cannot be attributed to most low end cell phones.

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