Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silver jewelry makes you grudge.

Why is their jealousy and bitterness? Maybe it’s because we are all practically unequal in color and nations. Third world countries envy first world countries because they got lots of resources such as oil, mines, and other natural resources. These are the main sources of capital but the most effective is mining industry that is next to oil. Mines got gold and silver.

According to recent studies, silver is better than gold. It is because it shines better and glows under the dim light. Peter Fox observes that women having a dinner date with men wear silver jewelry designed with diamonds on top. These silver jewelries with diamonds are highly in bids during auctions. From the auction, a man with the best sports car parked down the building is getting envious to the multimillionaire lawyer because he won in the auction. This man with the sexy sports car is so much jealous for the reason that he really wanted the sterling silver jewelry. He was planning for this silver jewelry set as his precious gift to the woman he was courting for almost a year. This lady for him is the most beautiful woman he had ever met entire his life except from his mom. Every thing about her is plain sexy and for him she is gorgeously awesome. He thought that the silver jewelry set would make him win the woman’s heart that is why he bids in the auction. Now that he didn’t get what he wants, he went back at the auction venue and get all the information about the lawyer form his name down to his business records. He walks on his shoes with a mysterious smile and a growing grudge inside him. Later that day, he phones the woman he loved and promises her that he will be giving a surprise for her. He is doing all of these things just to have this girl of his dreams.

The lawyer now gets a lot of threatening calls and packages in exchange of his set of silver jewelries. The mad man now starts calling his politician friends as well as the media and the police for his protection. One day, the man with the sports car finally trap the lawyer at the hallway and shoot him to his right shoulder, but it is his mistake because the lawyer got connections which rescued him quickly right after the shoot. The jealous man is now a failure and he understands that mean actions is the reciprocal of obsessive love.

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