Monday, May 9, 2011

The Mobile Phones: The Restrictions in usage

It is the nature of the human that it wants every thing unlimited. But there is also the old saying that excess of everything is bad. The same concept also applied on the usage of the mobile phone. The mobile phones have become so imminent in the human life that people do not want to live without it for a moment. The younger generation has become addict of the mobile phone like a drug. As there is the common problem of the any technology is, it comes with answer of one problem but give rise to two another problems. The free usage of the mobile while driving, its misuse by the children in the schools and usage by terrorist in the high security zone are one of common challenges for the well wishers of the society.

The usage of cell phones while driving a vehicle is very common activity. The usage of the mobile while driving has so many bad consequences. The road accidents are very common incidence while using the mobile. Thus the usage of the mobile phones while driving, not only put the troubles for others life but for his own life also. To overcome this problem in so many countries of the world, the usage of the mobile phone is totally banned while driving. The usage of the mobile in the schools is the burning topic among the academicians, parents and the government authorities.

There are so many ill consequences are attached with usage of the mobile phones by the students in the classroom and other school activity. Some schools have restricted the use of the mobile phones in their premises. The disadvantages of the cell phone in the schools are cheating during the examinations, distracting the attention of other students, and different other illegal activities. It is the one best tool to spread different rumor during the school hours. The other places where the usage mobile is highly restricted are zones of higher security which is really justified. The mobile phones are also used to disturb privacy of other people that is not good for the society. So many commercial organizations do not allow their employees to use mobile phone during working hours.

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