Monday, May 16, 2011

The Latest Mobile Phone Scams

Nobody said technology would be a smooth ride all the way, hence the need to be aware of how susceptible we are to scams. Each day we learn a thing or two through the internet or another means of technology that we have access to. True, technology has been of great help to man, but there are limits that should not be crossed whatsoever. Once, the computer was the ultimate source of information as it happened. However this is not the case today since there are different mobile phones manufacturers that have defied the odds and reinvented the mobile phone as the most common source of information, especially since it is easily accessible and is quite convenient for a lot of people, both in portability and ease of functionality. With this advancement however, there are some callous people that have made it a bad habit to create an unending stream of scams to rip off users unknowing using their smartphones.

Each and every day there are thousands of people that fall for different mobile phone scams that are particularly designed to nail them, quite to the chagrin of the users. A recent survey has revealed that the mobile phone scams usually cost the phone owner close to 5 times more than the average PC scams cost. This is generally because a lot of users have been reduced to cell phone zombies who spend most of their time on the phone. As a matter of fact, there are people who cannot live without their cell phones, and for such, it is even easier to pull scams on them.
The “M-Scam” is one of the most common in mobile telephony. Maybe it is due to the selfish nature of people, or their sheer ignorance, but a lot of people have fallen for this. This scam works in such a way that the scammers send you a congratulatory message. The text purports that you have won some holiday at some exotic island, or you have won a raffle or some exciting prize, and you are supposed to call a number listed in the text. Typically the numbers usually begin with 0900. The reality of the matter is that these are premium numbers, and as soon as you call the number, your phone is automatically debited and the funds credited to the scammers’ accounts. People will also go on and listen to some pre-recorded message, not realizing that they are already being ripped off.

The “Missed Call” is also another one whereby you get a missed call, and as soon as you call back, you are directed to a prime number wherein you are ripped off in the same way as the M-Scam.

There are many other scams like the Reverse Text Message and the #900 Trick that so many people fall for daily, therefore you need to be on the lookout at all times.

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