Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RIM Says Investor Suit Is 'Without Merit'

By The Associated Press
Resource: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=13706992

Research In Motion Ltd., maker of the BlackBerry smartphone, said Friday that allegations that the company misled investors about its financial state are "without merit."

Lawyers for shareholders of the company filed a lawsuit this week in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, seeking class action status. The suit claims that between Dec. 16, 2010 and April 28 RIM executives made false and misleading statements about the company's financial condition and business prospects. The suit, which was filed by Mary T. Stabile on behalf of anyone who bought the stock during that time frame, names RIM itself, Chief Financial Officer Brian Bidulka, and co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Michael Lazaridis as defendants.

The suit is the latest in a string of negatives for RIM. The company's BlackBerry smartphones are known for their security and reliability as email devices, but haven't kept up with Apple Inc.'s iPhones or phones that use Google Inc.'s Android software when it comes to running third-party applications. In addition to its sales struggles, the company released its first tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, to mixed reviews in April and had to recall about 1,000 of the devices in May due to defective operating software that could have made it impossible for users to set up the device. Most of the gadgets were recalled before being purchased by consumers.

The suit alleges that RIM "failed to inform investors that its aging product line and inability to introduce new products to the market was negatively impacting the company's business and margins." It also argues that RIM knew that BlackBerry shipments would decline and inventory would rise because of problems such as product delays and "lackluster" launches.

RIM's stock dropped 11 percent on March 25 after the company issued a lower-than-expected forecast for its fiscal first quarter. And On April 28 the stock dropped 14 percent when RIM slashed that quarterly forecast, saying it had been selling fewer and cheaper smartphones than it anticipated. Between Dec. 16 and April 29, the stock fell 17.8 percent overall.

The suit seeks unspecified damages.

In a statement, Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM said it plans to "vigorously defend" itself in the suit.

Monday, May 30, 2011

GPS Technology

Nowadays, nearly every Smartphone comes equipped with a GPS system. GPS stand for a global positioning system, which is used to calculate the place of given objects on a global point. This service works on a satellite or earth station side by side as they calculate the coordinates of the places. Through using a GPS tracking system, you can get the exact location of any unknown area. GPS is an amazing technology as it works on the concept of electromagnetic waves, which is currently the most demanding technology.

GPS was made especially for use in mobile phones. All of the tracking information comes into GPS satellites with the help of satellite technology. As it up links with satellite signals, it provides GPS to catch continue all the signals of the satellites. Smartphones are made with both a transmitter and receiver of these signals.

GPS technology is become ever more important for traveling, communication or in times of war. GPS was first developed by the United States military. GPS systems are also available in some electronic devices known as GPS tracking devices. These devices are made solely for the tracking purpose. As mobile technology continues to grow, more consumers are looking to have GPS installed in their smart phones. GPS works on an impressively fast speed enabling you to search large areas quickly and efficiently, as well as giving you maps and directions. With help of this tracking device, you can access all the information you require on any unknown area.

It also gives you extended information about any unknown place. Nowadays GPS is regarded as an integral part of the latest in Mobile Phone technology. With help of this tracking facility you can track your entire location just by switching on your GPS system on your BlackBerry. Consumers can get a GPS tracking system only if they first purchase a GPS-enabled handset, as GPS system can’t be added to a device like other software. A GPS-enabled handset can transmit and receive signals at the same time. GPS can also be exploited, meaning you may end up being spied upon or vice versa. There are legal consequences over this kind of intrusion, which lowers the risk of privacy invasion.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

PDA Phones - Public Display of Activeness

If there is an era where technology has affected almost everything and everyone, it has to be PDA Phones. Technology has greatly affected the communication sector in a positive manner. Several years ago, communication was faced with a lot of problems - not to mention the interruptions. It was quite challenging to make a call, as communication lines were not clear. Thanks to the advancement in technology, communication has been improved. It is now possible to get in touch with your loved ones at any time of the day or night and Smart phones are the best innovation to date.

There are PDA devices that have helped many people in various ways. PDA simply means Personal Digital Assistant. It is important to know that these devices usually come with various functions and features. PDA phones are essential, especially during this technological era where a lot of things deal with technology. There are various phone models available on the market with various features. It is important to look at several models before deciding which one to go for. This will help in determining the device that meets your requirements. Some of the functions that you can find in the devices include a QWERTY keyboard, document programs such as PDF, Excel, MS Word and Power Point, faster processors, various connectivity options, RAM, handwriting recognition and standard ROM.

The smartphones are being referred to as a public display of activeness. This is because they allow the user to always be active - whether they are on the move or not. They can even work when still enjoying the comfort that their home provides. HTC and BlackBerry are some popular PDA devices that many people from different parts of the world are going for. There are various companies that are providing PDA devices which are now meeting customers’ needs. The devices are provided with several features in order to increase their functionality. Some of the features which are provided include an imaging facility, music player and a memory slot for storage capacity expansion. It is possible to store data in the device, as there is ample storage space. If you want more storage space, you can use a memory card and insert it into the memory slot. One thing that you should know about these devices is that they are generally bigger than normal phones. This is probably because of the several features and functionalities provided. Typing with the device is simple because of the QWERTY keyboard. It is important to know that these devices have touch screens. This means that instead of using the keyboard, you can easily use the screen and do whatever you want. You will always be active especially if you own this gadget.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tablet Computer Compared to Laptops and PCs

Some computer users still choose to use personal computers or laptops that have less technological advances. They are passing on the brilliant benefits of the latest tablet computers, along with the convenience provided by the latest computer features. Tablet computers have the basic features of a personal computer. It is a portable computer device utilizing touch-screen technology. Tablet computers use a virtual keyboard, as well as handwriting recognition for data input. It has a wireless adapter to acquire internet services and connect to a local area network. It shares capability with touch screen phones for software application such as office suites, online browsing, gaming and other multi-media applications.

A laptop is a personal computer with mobile capability. It has compact hardware components common to a desktop computer such as a keyboard, display and pointing device. Laptops also integrate speakers, a microphone and a camera.

Comparing Tablet Computer to Laptop and PC:

  • Size

Although a personal or desktop computer is reliable in the quantity of information that can be stored relative to its size, this becomes its disadvantage. Compared to a laptop or tablet computer, the personal computer is bulky and heavy in size.

  • Portability

Although nothing compares with mobile phones in terms of portability, laptops and tablet computers share common advantages when compared to a personal or desktop computer in portability. The laptop and tablet computer are portable, which means they can be carried around anywhere, not only at home and office, but also to school, shops and recreational facilities, as well as in transport facilities. A rechargeable battery powers tablet computers and laptops, which is not applicable with a personal computer. Comparing a personal computer relative to the demand of PC application performance, a tablet computer may have limited performance because it is portable.

  • Productivity and Performance

A computer dependent person will be more productive when using a laptop or tablet computer, because of the wider abilities of using these devices. Laptops, being portable computers, were originally intended for specialized fields such as accountants, executives and the military. However, as they became more compact, light and having fast performance, they became popular for all sorts of uses and purposes. A tablet computer shares the same convenience, although it is limited in performance. On the other hand, a personal computer has limited productivity, because it can only be used where it is located.

  • Accessibility

In carrying a tablet computer or laptop, anywhere means having an instant access to personal and work related information via internet connections. Although a personal computer has a bigger capacity for information, it cannot be accessed at all times.

  • Connectivity

With the proliferation of broadband communication for cell phones, tablet computers and laptops can connect to the internet almost anywhere, as long as a signal can be acquired. These make the two susceptible of acquiring up-to-date information anywhere and at any time.

In comparing tablet computers with laptops and PCs, there are remarkable differences that are advantageous in all cases.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How To Take Care Of Sterling Silver Jewelry

Did you know that sterling silver has unlimited layers? Much so-called silver jewelry is just other metals with a silver coating, or it may be even plastic with a silver coating. Sterling silver jewelry is not coated but has many layers, so when your silver jewelry has lost its shine, it can always be regained but, like any other jewelry, sterling silver jewelry needs to be taken care of. Below are some ways of taking care of your sterling silver jewelry.

1. The first thing you should always think of is storage. The way you store your jewelry matters a lot. Putting your sterling silver jewelry together will cause scratches, as the will rub against each other.

2. You should always keep them in a cool and dry place. Moisture makes sterling silver jewelry tarnish, so when you store them in a moist place they will tarnish. You can also get anti-tarnish paper strips to put inside your jewelry box so that they will not tarnish.

3. When it comes to cleaning your sterling silver jewelry, you should not use just any piece of cloth within your reach to wipe them clean, because some materials will easily scratch them. You can buy jewelry cloths which normally have two layers. One layer is made up of cotton and the other layer has special chemicals which will make the silver shine. If you cannot get hold of one, you can use a cloth which is 100% cotton to wipe your sterling silver jewelry.

4. On a daily basis you should make sure your jewelry is the last thing you put on in the morning and first thing to take off at night. When you are working, especially cleaning, you should take it off, as the chemicals you use may cause immediate tarnishing. When sleeping, swimming or taking a shower you must take your sterling silver jewelry off and remember to place it in a dry place. Whenever you return them to their storage place, wipe them dry so that body oils and dirt are removed.

Just like any other jewelry, sterling silver jewelry needs to be cared for in order for it to look at its best. Once in a while you can clean it in mild soapy water and with a very soft toothbrush. Make you sure you rinse it very well with clean water and dry it completely with a soft cotton cloth before storing it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Emergency Alert System Expected for Cellphones

Recourse from:http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/10/us/10safety.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=cell%20phones&st=cse#
By Edward Wyatt

WASHINGTON — The emergency broadcast system is coming to cellphones.

Updating the national emergency alert system, federal officials planned to announce on Tuesday in Manhattan that some cellphone users in New York and Washington will soon be able to receive alerts by text message in the event of a national or regional emergency.

The service in those cities is scheduled to start late this year as a prelude to nationwide service next year, perhaps as early as April. To receive the alerts, users must have mobile phones with a special chip, which is currently included in some higher-end smartphones like the latest iPhones. The service will also require a software upgrade.

How quickly consumers are able to participate in the system depends on the rate of replacement of cellphones with the special chip and the software, officials said.

The emergency text messages will include alerts issued by the president, information about public safety threats and Amber Alerts for missing children. Text messages will be sent to customers of participating cellphone companies who are in an area affected by the emergency. Users can opt out of any of the alerts except the presidential messages.

The alerts are designed to mimic the familiar radio and TV broadcast alerts that for decades — accompanied by a shrill whistle and, in most instances, the message “This is only a test” — have advised Americans where to tune in for an emergency message.

Known as the Personal Localized Alerting Network, or PLAN, the new system will be a free service for people in New York and Washington who have enabled phones and are customers of Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile mobile phone systems.

“This new technology could become a lifeline for millions of Americans and is another tool that will strengthen our nation’s resilience against all hazards,” W. Craig Fugate, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said in a statement.

Julius Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said the system was designed to minimize the ability of hackers or spammers to send fraudulent messages. The alerts could appear directly on a cellphone screen, for example, rather than appear as a text message notification, and would probably be accompanied by a special vibration or other kind of signal.

“We don’t expect the alerts to be frequent,” Mr. Genachowski said. “They will be reserved for when they are truly needed, for tornadoes or for disasters like 9/11.”

Emergency authorities in several Asian and Pacific countries sent text messages warning of tsunamis after the March 11 earthquake in Japan.

Authorized government officials will be able to send emergency text messages to participating wireless companies, which will then use their cell towers to forward the messages to subscribers in the affected area. A New York City resident who is traveling in Chicago at the time of an emergency in New York would not receive a message; a Chicago resident who is a customer of the same phone company would see the text alert while in New York City, officials said.

The messages are also designed to avoid user congestion that often mars standard mobile voice and texting services.

Although cellphone companies in the United States are not required to participate in the system, officials said they expected that cellphone makers would promote the inclusion of the special chip as a selling point for new mobile phones.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mobile Marketing, Smartphone’s and the Revolution

Today technology is booming and this has really changed how the world works - and it is something that is very impressive. It has been so creative that no-one would have ever guessed that we could use our cell phones to call half way across the world and be charged not even 10p a minute. This is the beauty of having a cell phone.
The way technology has been reinvented is fantastic. It is so unique that no-one could copy the way we use our mobile phones to communicate. Truly, it really has changed over the past few years and you can be sure that it has become something that we can actually save money on.

With your BlackBerry Tablet you are now able to actually pay your bills through a mobile phone and there is no need to have paper bills sent out, no need to ever get another bill sent through the post, as it can all be done via your smartphone.

The smart phone has really changed the world. Smart phones can change how someone can market, as with advertisers they can market to millions of people without having the hassle of problems occurring. All touch screen phones have the internet, the best form of marketing on the planet today. This is how and why the internet is evolving and new trends over the development of businesses and advertising is really becoming a big impact today.

You could take a BlackBerry phone and be able to find any business or service that you require in a space of a minute, as it can be done by the internet. You can see thousands of advertisements just like on your computer. When it comes to mobile marketing, this could not have been done without the use of Smartphones being introduced.

We do not actually understand that when we have our PDA phones, our touch phones and BlackBerry videos, we can access the internet and find almost anything that we want. Advertisers have a field day realising that they can target their audience through any touch phone, as it can be the way in which a business is turned around over night.

The truth is that today everything is going digital with new age technology that you can barely understand, but that is what is so great about the world of technology today. A great new revolution has began and it starts with the Smartphone; there is not going to be a living sole that will not have one of these phones by the time 2012 comes around.

With Smartphones, people can do almost anything without having to worry about the real underlying factors of how they work. You can market your business on the internet and know that the potential will increase because of a Smartphone.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Choosing a Touch Screen Phone

Choosing touch screen phones is prevalent among busy people who know the value of being ahead of their clients and associates. Touch phone technology is now the number one feature of mobile phones. With the numerous touch screen phones now capturing the market, how do you choose the right unit? Having a touch screen in a mobile phone is not a guarantee that you will get the same experience from a similar device. Therefore, it is best that you first try out the phone before buying it.
Touch screen phones are more easy to use than regular cellular phones, but how do you know if what you are buying is the best? There are some factors that you should look for when buying a unit, such as:

Response to Touch

Responsiveness of the screen to the gentle touch of your fingers is the most essential factor for this type of phone. Actually, the touch system is the unique feature that makes it different from other mobile phones. You should feel the ease of using the new interface and, most likely, you would not want to return to the trackball and keyboard system. When you tap the screen, it should react accordingly, if it does not, then choose another unit.

Interface and Screen Size

The interface and screen size of touch screen phones are very crucial. Some have very small on-screen icons, which are not designed for finger prodding. If you are not comfortable using a stylus, you may choose other designs with more finger-friendly icons. Choosing a unit with a large screen is not necessarily better, because larger screens are prone to fingerprint marks and accidental damage. On the other hand, a large screen can allow you to watch all kinds of multimedia with ease.

Battery Life and Accessories

A large screen will cause your battery to drain quickly. It is therefore imperative that you find out how long the battery of your touch screen phone will last. Also, determine if an option for energy saving is available on the unit of your choice. This option will help in making your battery last longer. Buy a screen protector and other accessories available for your phone, which may protect your phone and prolong its life.

Additional Features

Many touch screen phones include several tools like GPS, map application and calculators. Some have the capability to support browser-based programs, which can perform numerous other functions. Customizing your phones to support your lifestyle with the use of third-party apps is another good additional feature.
Now that you know how to choose the touch screen phone that is best for you, you will enjoy the ease and benefits of always being ahead of your clients and associates.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Relationship between Smart Phones and Tablets

Phones like the BlackBerry and iPhone as well as the Android based smart phones rely heavily on mobile data networks and an internet connection for their information. Therefore without this access, these smart phones are almost brought to a standstill, meaning that they would not be able to operate as they are designed to operate. The latest batch of Tablet computers available on the market today also rely on these same mobile data networks, and internet access nodes that have been set up by many leading mobile network operators.
Today the internet has truly gone mobile and more people are taking their internet experiences on the road. Having all of our information rest on what is now termed the “Cloud”, alleviating the demands on our local hard drives as our content grows heavier. The upside is that you are able to access your personal files no matter where you are, as well as keep them safe should your computer malfunction or be lost. However it also means that we rely on these access channels like a costly 3G, 4G or wifi packages and tighter security. The concept is not new in anyway, it just took time for the technology to catchup. How many people know that the RIM Blackberry was one of the first smart phones developed to take advantage of the internet? Microsoft Windows based mobile phones were available for some time, but they found it challenging to be able to compete with the robust network that Blackberry had begun setting up. The smart phone concept saw a great leap forward with the introduction of the Apple iPhone touch phone. The iPhone uses a combination of touch screen technology a long with a vibrant app store with millions of applications to choose from to provide a truly ergonomic user friendly experience. The iPhone has also raised the bar on the sheer volume of data that smart phone users have come to demand of their devices. Apple took this a step forward with its iPad series tablet computers. The tablet concept has also long been in development, but again it had to bide its time while the technology caught up to the idea. The iPhone's advances in touch technology as well as its redefinition to what such a product could do, helped the evolution and rebirth of the large tablet computer market that we are witnessing today. Again all of these devices are based around access to data networks, they rely heavily on the faster information transfer speeds that the new LTE and 4G networks are promising. With an increase in the number of gadgets we possess like a touch phone or tablet computer we now have the need to be able to sync them all together, by using the Cloud, and a stable high speed data network.

With the success of Apple's first generation iPad demonstrating a market for tablet computer, most smartphone, software providers and computer manufactures raced to create their own touch screen devices. RIM creator of the Blackberry introduced the Playbook geared toward the business set, as well as offering their own BlackBerry Videos codex to store and play clips on its BlackBerry Tablet. Other companies like Google and Microsoft are rushing to develop touch screen mobile operating systems, and Lenovo, Nokia, HTC, and an army of others working on the Hardware aspects of touch phones, and tablet computers. The touch phone, tablet revolution is upon us with great advances yet to come in the not to distant future.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silver jewelry makes you grudge.

Why is their jealousy and bitterness? Maybe it’s because we are all practically unequal in color and nations. Third world countries envy first world countries because they got lots of resources such as oil, mines, and other natural resources. These are the main sources of capital but the most effective is mining industry that is next to oil. Mines got gold and silver.

According to recent studies, silver is better than gold. It is because it shines better and glows under the dim light. Peter Fox observes that women having a dinner date with men wear silver jewelry designed with diamonds on top. These silver jewelries with diamonds are highly in bids during auctions. From the auction, a man with the best sports car parked down the building is getting envious to the multimillionaire lawyer because he won in the auction. This man with the sexy sports car is so much jealous for the reason that he really wanted the sterling silver jewelry. He was planning for this silver jewelry set as his precious gift to the woman he was courting for almost a year. This lady for him is the most beautiful woman he had ever met entire his life except from his mom. Every thing about her is plain sexy and for him she is gorgeously awesome. He thought that the silver jewelry set would make him win the woman’s heart that is why he bids in the auction. Now that he didn’t get what he wants, he went back at the auction venue and get all the information about the lawyer form his name down to his business records. He walks on his shoes with a mysterious smile and a growing grudge inside him. Later that day, he phones the woman he loved and promises her that he will be giving a surprise for her. He is doing all of these things just to have this girl of his dreams.

The lawyer now gets a lot of threatening calls and packages in exchange of his set of silver jewelries. The mad man now starts calling his politician friends as well as the media and the police for his protection. One day, the man with the sports car finally trap the lawyer at the hallway and shoot him to his right shoulder, but it is his mistake because the lawyer got connections which rescued him quickly right after the shoot. The jealous man is now a failure and he understands that mean actions is the reciprocal of obsessive love.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BlackBerry’s Bridge to Nowhere

Resource from:http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/19/blackberrys-bridge-to-nowhere/?scp=1&sq=BlackBerry&st=cse#


The BlackBerry PlayBook, Research In Motion’s first entry in the tablet computing world, arrived in stores on Tuesday. But first-day buyers who use AT&T as their wireless carrier were immediately frustrated when they tried to use a key feature of the PlayBook.

Curiously for a company that made its reputation on portable e-mail, R.I.M. did not include a mail app on the PlayBook. Instead it requires customers who want more than webmail to pair the tablet with a BlackBerry phone using a software application it calls Bridge. Under that system, the PlayBook effectively becomes a giant screen for the phone, which actually stores all of the mail data and related material such as datebook entries.

But almost as soon as the first PlayBooks appeared in stores, AT&T customers began complaining in online forums that their carrier had blocked the use of Bridge and thus disconnected their new purchase from their phones.

It was the latest stumble for the PlayBook which several reviewers, including The Times’s David Pogue, have found to be a promising product undermined by having been brought to market before it was finished.

In a series of e-mails, Mark A. Siegel, a spokesman for AT&T said that Bridge was blocked because “we just received the app for testing.” He added that the company “can’t say yet how long testing will take.”

Certainly Bridge appears to have been a last-minute job. When I was at the headquarters of R.I.M. in Waterloo, Ontario, just over two weeks ago, the company was unable to demonstrate a working version of the app.

Brenda B. Raney, a spokeswoman for Verizon Wireless, declined to discuss that company’s specific plans for Bridge because it had not yet announced that it will sell the PlayBook. But she added: “we don’t disagree with the R.I.M. description of how the product will work on our network.”

In online postings, some users blame R.I.M. for not making the app available in time for testing by carriers. R.I.M. did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

But the overwhelming majority of postings faulted AT&T for the situation. Many of its customers also suggested that the delay was less about testing than it was about AT&T figuring out a way to charge its customers extra for linking their PlayBooks with their phones.

Mr. Siegel declined to comment on what conditions or charges AT&T might impose on its customers for using Bridge. “All of this is speculative until we test the app,” he wrote.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Latest Mobile Phone Scams

Nobody said technology would be a smooth ride all the way, hence the need to be aware of how susceptible we are to scams. Each day we learn a thing or two through the internet or another means of technology that we have access to. True, technology has been of great help to man, but there are limits that should not be crossed whatsoever. Once, the computer was the ultimate source of information as it happened. However this is not the case today since there are different mobile phones manufacturers that have defied the odds and reinvented the mobile phone as the most common source of information, especially since it is easily accessible and is quite convenient for a lot of people, both in portability and ease of functionality. With this advancement however, there are some callous people that have made it a bad habit to create an unending stream of scams to rip off users unknowing using their smartphones.

Each and every day there are thousands of people that fall for different mobile phone scams that are particularly designed to nail them, quite to the chagrin of the users. A recent survey has revealed that the mobile phone scams usually cost the phone owner close to 5 times more than the average PC scams cost. This is generally because a lot of users have been reduced to cell phone zombies who spend most of their time on the phone. As a matter of fact, there are people who cannot live without their cell phones, and for such, it is even easier to pull scams on them.
The “M-Scam” is one of the most common in mobile telephony. Maybe it is due to the selfish nature of people, or their sheer ignorance, but a lot of people have fallen for this. This scam works in such a way that the scammers send you a congratulatory message. The text purports that you have won some holiday at some exotic island, or you have won a raffle or some exciting prize, and you are supposed to call a number listed in the text. Typically the numbers usually begin with 0900. The reality of the matter is that these are premium numbers, and as soon as you call the number, your phone is automatically debited and the funds credited to the scammers’ accounts. People will also go on and listen to some pre-recorded message, not realizing that they are already being ripped off.

The “Missed Call” is also another one whereby you get a missed call, and as soon as you call back, you are directed to a prime number wherein you are ripped off in the same way as the M-Scam.

There are many other scams like the Reverse Text Message and the #900 Trick that so many people fall for daily, therefore you need to be on the lookout at all times.

How to trace a Cellphone Location

Tracing a cell phone location has many implications. The act may have many ramifications - some good, some bad and some plain ugly. When you do not wish the person who you are in contact with via your cellphone know where you are you may, in all innocence, tell him you are in the queue to make an airline booking when you are in reality with your friends on the beach with a beer bottle in hand, eying the girls passing by. It is also possible that may you know your assistant is moonlighting in the back office of the local convenient store, but he swears that he is in your factory counting nuts and bolts. Both lies can be nailed by Google Latitude, the application that smartphones and BlackBerry Tablet make use of to trace calls. With this app you can no longer deceive and be deceived. The technological leap into the future is here in the present. Internet applications can do wonders.

The best thing about Google Latitude is that you do not have to shell out a large sum of money to acquire this equipment. A basic network of all the mobile phones in question can be built up using in a GPS network. If you want to know where Jim, your boy friend is, all you have to do is call him on his smartphone and instead, of pestering him to answer you truthfully about his whereabouts, you can refer to Google Maps in your smartphone and see for yourself exactly where he is. If someone is missing or may be in some danger, his cell phone will become his lifeline by which rescuers can find him.

It is getting better and bigger. MakeUseOf, a technology with applications like BuddyWay and NavXS and the newer Cellular Triagulation Technology will make the task of tracing cellphone locations easier. The PDA and the smartphone or touchphone needs to be GPS enabled. That will mean that only smartphones like the iPhone or Windows Mobile 5.0+ can be used for this purpose.

There are software programs available that are capable of detecting the location of a cellphone. However, there are also fakes around, which you would do well to check before buying. Some, like Spybubble, are reliable. Some programs even let you know the location of a cellphone without the owners of the particular cell phone becoming any the wiser.

There are a few service companies which do the tracing for you, for a small fee. While this enables you to hand the responsibility to someone else and lets you go about your business, your privacy takes a beating, as you will need to provide some information which may not be ideal. You must be careful and check to see if the company is licensed to do this type of work.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Microsoft's Different Mobile Phone Operating Systems

The battle for supremacy in the computer operating systems has been going on for as long as the computer has been around. There are different companies that have stood up to try and cut their niche in the consumer oriented market, but for one reason or the other, there still remains one champion - Microsoft. Having been able to fight off extreme competition from other competitors, Microsoft has taken the battle to the next level by venturing into Mobile Phone Operating Systems. The speed and precision with which telephony has changed over the past years has left nothing to chance and necessitated the readjustment of perception of both mobile phone users and the manufacturers as regards the functionality of phones, and the added functionality required.

The internet enabled PDA Phones have to be one of the major milestones in telephony, especially since it brings about the ability to transfer the normal computer functionality right into the palm and pocket of the user. For this to be successful, Microsoft has been aggressively involved in designing operating systems specifically for the phones. You do not really expect to run Windows 7 Ultimate™ on a Nokia C3. Microsoft has engineered different operating systems for mobile phones to suit customer needs, all of which are interestingly remodeled with the ability to update functionality over time.

Windows Mobile 6.x was the first to be launched by the OS gurus though it might soon ride off into the twilight. Currently however, many mobile phone OEMs are running Windows Phone OS 7.0. Microsoft then took the game a notch higher by introducing an OS specifically to target the high end enterprise market. This has to be one of the most demanding markets since their needs are ever changing based on daily occurrences in the global markets and their need to live life on the go. For them, Microsoft created the Windows Embedded Handheld 7 OS for their handheld devices.

There are a lot of mobile phone companies that are already making phones preinstalled with the Windows Mobile OS like Motorola. The partnership between Microsoft and the mobile phone manufacturers survives under the guise that the manufacturers design creative and innovative mobile phone models like tablets and touch phones and Microsoft chips in by providing the OS to offer high-end solutions that power up the hardware.

By doing this, Microsoft ensures that there exists mutual benefits for both the manufacturers and the buyers. Though Microsoft has come under stiff competition from the likes of Google Android OS, they still remain the team to beat due to their continued longevity in designing successful operating systems like the Windows XP PC Edition, which has gained worldwide acclamation for being one of the best user friendly operating systems ever made.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where to Buy Jewelry Online

Online jewelry shopping is the perfect choice for women who just don’t have the extra time to spare for jewelry shopping offline. Buying jewelry, no matter sterling silver jewelry, gold jewelry or any other kinds of jewelry, can be a daunting task that might take you to several different stores and hours and hours of bargaining before you can that perfect piece that you desire. That is where online shopping is so convenient. You have access to hundreds of stores online and some of the most prominent names in jewelry design. You can look around and compare quality and prices at various stores before making your final choice.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you are jewelry shopping online.
Always select a reliable and well-known manufacturer of jewelry. This is important in several ways. First of all, if you enter credit card information at an unknown site you could be at risk for credit card fraud. Moreover, a reliable company will provide you the best in quality and pricing which is what most women want. So if you’re out there shopping for a pretty bracelet or even a lovely Sterling Silver ring, be sure to check the security certificate of the site you’re browsing through.

Most women select jewelry on a whim and buy it instantly without actually comparing prices with other sites. It is advisable to visit several manufacturers and retailers to see if you can get a better deal. Sometimes, retailers have sales on certain items and you get to buy your favorite jewelry at reduced prices.

When buying jewelry with precious or semi-precious stones, whether it is diamond jewelry or simple cubic zirconia ones, make sure you’re getting the original stones. Fake ones are difficult to detect for the average person so look for genuine stores that are willing to offer refunds if you’re unsatisfied. Your bracelet or Sterling Silver Ring may cost you an arm and a leg if you’re buying genuine stones so make sure you’re getting the real thing. Ask for certificates for the stones particularly diamonds.

Most jewelry that is displayed online is available in a number of sizes. For instance, cubic zirconia necklaces might be available in a single size that fits all but for bracelets and rings, you might have to look closer and find the one that fits you. Most reputable stores do let you exchange the jewelry later but its better to make sure at the time when you’re selecting the jewelry.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Apps to Post Videos With Ease

Resource from:http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/technology/personaltech/05basics.html?_r=1&scp=4&sq=smartphone&st=cse

By Paul Boutin

Most of the video shot in the world today is recorded on mobile phones. That annoying guy who walked around parties with a camcorder has been replaced with an army of annoying people who whip out their phones to capture the moment.

Yet almost none of the millions of video clips stored on smartphones end up online.

The reason is simple: it’s easy to pull out your phone, call up the camera, and press record. But sharing your video is harder. How do you put it on Facebook? Some mobile Facebook apps have a video upload feature, but most people haven’t found it.

Phones that have a built-in option to post video to YouTube can force you through a mind-numbing multistep process. First, you upload the clip, which can’t be more than 15 minutes long. Then, you wait up to 20 minutes for YouTube to convert it and make it available. Then, you have to copy and paste the URL into Facebook or e-mail. It sounds easy in theory, but in practice it’s enough to keep most people from bothering.

If you try to send a video directly to a friend via e-mail or text message, you’ll almost certainly be thwarted. Either the clip is too big to send, or it’s too big for them to receive, or when they click it, they’ll only get an unhelpful error message like “the media being played is of an unsupported format.”

That’s why most of us resort to sharing video by holding our phones in front of other people’s faces.

In the last few weeks, though, new mobile apps have begun to make it almost as easy to share a video as it is to shoot. By automating the upload process, tying into Facebook and Twitter and reformatting clips so that they play on multiple types of phones as well as computers, these apps aim to make cellphone video as ubiquitous as still photos.

The most talked-about video app is Socialcam, a free app for iPhone and Android models that, as its name says, incorporates social media into the mix. To get started, download Socialcam from Apple’s App Store for iPhones or Google’s Android Market. The first time you fire it up, it will prompt you to log in using your Facebook account. Once you’re in, shoot-and-share is a lot easier than before.

You can use Socialcam to record video, or import clips from your camera roll. There’s no limit on how long your clip can be. You don’t need to think about uploading, because Socialcam automatically uploads the clip to its own servers in the background, and shares them from there. (The app is made by Justin.tv, a San Francisco start-up that popularized the genre of live video feeds a few years ago.)

Once you’re done recording, you have six options for sharing: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, e-mail, Tumblr and Posterous. You can post to your Facebook feed, or you can enter a Twitter user name and password to tweet a link to your video, which will play in any browser that supports the flash player or HTML5 video standard — that would include most desktop computers these days, and a growing array of mobile gadgets.

If you’d rather not share your clip with the entire Internet, you can e-mail a link to one or more contacts from your smartphone’s address book. Again, if they’re using a computer or phone that plays HTML5 video, it’ll play in the recipients’ browser. Socialcam also has its own social network in which you can tag, like and comment on friends’ Socialcam clips, which the app lets you browse in a gallery. If someone else tags you in a Socialcam video, it will get posted on your wall in Facebook. Yes, you can untag yourself.

Video uploads are good for more than party clips, date-hunting and “I’m at the beach and you’re not” messages. Real estate agents have begun to use them for walk-throughs of homes on the market. Protesters and counterprotesters at Wisconsin’s statehouse used them to document Gov. Scott Walker’s battle with public employee unions. Office workers have captured business meetings with less production quality, but also less awkward formality, than an official videographer.

But in many cases, the intended viewers may be trying to watch on a phone and not at their desks. Not all mobile phones can handle flash or HTML5 yet.

Another free app for iPhones, Thwapr (pronounced “THWAP-er”), solves the unsupported video format problem automatically. Thwapr video clips will play on hundreds of models of phones.

Like Socialcam, you point and shoot with Thwapr. Then you can send it to another phone owner or post to Facebook or Twitter, although Thwapr doesn’t have Socialcam’s tagging features.

Thwapr’s magic trick, though, is that if you send a Thwapr clip via e-mail or text message, you usually need not worry about what kind of phone your recipients are packing. They’ll get a link to click. When they do, their phone will request the video from Thwapr, which figures out what model of phone they have and how best to serve video to that phone. That includes automatically converting the video’s data format, which takes about 5 seconds.

Thwapr has a couple of restrictions. For now, the video recording app works only on iPhones, although the company says it is planning an Android app. Video uploads are limited to 10 minutes in length if you’re sending it over AT&T or Verizon, or 45 minutes if you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network.

A third free app, Qik Video Connect (it’s pronounced quick, and is owned by Skype, makers of the Internet phone and video chat software), offers solutions for two of the shortcomings in Socialcam and Thwapr. First, there are Qik apps for recording video on a wide range of smartphones, not just iPhone and Android. They’re not as slick as Qik’s latest iPhone version, which has an easy-to-figure-out interface, but they’ll do the job.

Second, Qik was originally built for live video streaming. As it turns out, most users almost always prefer not to broadcast live on the Internet, but to record now and post later. Still, Qik makes it easy to create a video post on Facebook that looks and plays like a prerecorded clip, but is actually connected live to your phone’s camera. Qik’s iPhone app includes hooks for bloggers and self-publishers to create live or prerecorded video links on most of the popular blog platforms, or in an R.S.S. feed. Setting these up isn’t as easy as posting to Facebook, but any serious blogger should be able to figure them out in a few minutes.

One more thing you should do: trim your videos to the interesting parts. Qik and Thwapr have editing built in. Socialcam lets you import a clip edited in Apple’s iMovie or VidTrim on Android. Other video start-ups have found that most people won’t pay attention for longer than 10 or 12 seconds.

If you’re going to start posting videos from your phone, think before you shoot. You don’t want to become the Internet version of the older archetype: the guy who bores everyone with his never-ending home movies.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Mobile Phones: The Restrictions in usage

It is the nature of the human that it wants every thing unlimited. But there is also the old saying that excess of everything is bad. The same concept also applied on the usage of the mobile phone. The mobile phones have become so imminent in the human life that people do not want to live without it for a moment. The younger generation has become addict of the mobile phone like a drug. As there is the common problem of the any technology is, it comes with answer of one problem but give rise to two another problems. The free usage of the mobile while driving, its misuse by the children in the schools and usage by terrorist in the high security zone are one of common challenges for the well wishers of the society.

The usage of cell phones while driving a vehicle is very common activity. The usage of the mobile while driving has so many bad consequences. The road accidents are very common incidence while using the mobile. Thus the usage of the mobile phones while driving, not only put the troubles for others life but for his own life also. To overcome this problem in so many countries of the world, the usage of the mobile phone is totally banned while driving. The usage of the mobile in the schools is the burning topic among the academicians, parents and the government authorities.

There are so many ill consequences are attached with usage of the mobile phones by the students in the classroom and other school activity. Some schools have restricted the use of the mobile phones in their premises. The disadvantages of the cell phone in the schools are cheating during the examinations, distracting the attention of other students, and different other illegal activities. It is the one best tool to spread different rumor during the school hours. The other places where the usage mobile is highly restricted are zones of higher security which is really justified. The mobile phones are also used to disturb privacy of other people that is not good for the society. So many commercial organizations do not allow their employees to use mobile phone during working hours.

The Mobile Phone: Journey from old generation to next one

The invention of the telephone in the last century was the major breakthrough in the history of the mankind. After the invention of first practically usable telephone by Alexander Graham Bell the development of the mobile phone in the decades of 1970 and 1980 was definitely a kind of milestone in the field of communication technology. After that scientific community has never looked back, mobile phone which the common man is using today will be the history in the coming few days. When the first mobile phone was invented by Motorola its weight was around 2kg and the mobiles of the current generation hardly having the weight more than 100 grams.

The mobile technology is changing at very alarming rate and up gradation has become very common phenomena. The mobile phones of current generation are well equipped to handle the technology of internet and different multimedia applications. The features like display screens of high resolution, megapixel camera, music players, big memory space and different mobile games are the common features. The operating systems developed particularly for cell phones have given the big boost to the mobile technology. These operating systems are used by different model to give very user friendly approach for the applications developed specially for the mobile phones. The different manufacturers of mobile phones are every day launching new products with the cutting edge features of the mentioned technology. These manufacturers have changed the mobile handset into a magic box of a magician.

The manufacturers of the mobile phones like BlackBerry are trying the incorporate all the features of next generation of computing into the cell phone. The entry of the software giants in to field of mobile phones has definitely given the new twist to the story. They are trying to incorporate the processors of very high end technology in their handsets. The next generation mobile phone will be well enriched to support the all the standards of 4G and 5G technology. A day is not far away when the users of the mobile phone will be able to watch their favorite TV channel’s program into their mobile handset.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Phones easy to take to other places

With the help of the latest technology, it is extremely helpful to get a good type of cellphone. After cell phones, new varieties are now known as mobile phones. Nowadays, the mobile phone has given way to smart phones. Most users get a mobile phone after they are satisfied by its services. Customers are satisfied only when they get all the things that they want. A smartphone is a device that truly fills all the requirements of a customer who can thinks to get a mobile phone. The function of smart phones is similar to the laptop. Most smart phones provide the features that you generally can find on the laptops.

A smart phone has become popular these days. It not only gives you the ability to chat, but also you can chat online by watching each other’s video photos, or by BlackBerry Videos conferencing you can chat face to face. These all are possible only by advances in technology. It makes all impossible things possible.

In telecom industries, these all are changes after the Marconi transition radio signals and efforts by Alexander Graham, who invented the first telephone service. Now you can talk to someone without using huge, bulky wires. These are all things of the past. Nowadays, you will contact to anyone or any ware places without need for such wires.

Today’s phones come in small or little models; you can put in your pocket, without getting worry about its heaviness. Mobiles are also known as cellphones, cellular phones, wireless phone or PDA Phones. Phones changed tremendously after arrival of new technology, if you follow changes in any field than mobile are truly filled with them. As last as last year, you will see most of the changes become updated in the field of mobile phones. In the past, there were limited functionalities, and it was difficult to carry any place. It is not easy to move from one place to another. Today a smartphones can make all things difficult to do in past years possible.