Monday, March 14, 2011

Features that Identify a Smartphone

When it comes to defining exactly what a smartphone is, there are many differing opinions. There are many cell phones on the market that are considered by some to fall into this category, but are lacking some important features in order to be fully categorized as such. The most common kind of smartphone operating systems that are found on these phones are the Symbian OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry OS, Windows OS and the Android OS. Although the Symbian OS can sometimes be found on regular phones, it is locked in those cases and no additional applications can be installed.

In addition to a “qwerty” keyboard instead of the standard dial keyboard, having a touch screen is a must on these phones. Even keyboards are becoming obsolete these days and are being replaced with virtual keyboards on the screen. Besides having a proper operating system, a smartphone must also be able to have additional applications installed on it. In other words, the OS must be extendable. These are the main features that separate a smartphone from a regular phone. Although some users argue that the iPhone does not fall into this category, it is obvious that it meets all the mentioned criteria.

Some other abilities include reading all types of web pages and the ability to remain constantly connected through a wireless network to the internet. Regular phones can only access certain web pages that are intentionally designed for mobile phone users and are unable to read regular HTML or XML websites.

BlackBerry phones are some of the most popular smart phones today. Originally designed for corporate users and were thought of as completely uninteresting to private users, it has the best e-mail user interface in comparison with other operating systems. A custom instant messenger, designed to act as a messenger directly between two users, is another trait that is found only on this phone. Until recently these phones were created exclusively for business users. However, of late they have added some entertaining features which caused a surge in interest from private users.

Smart phones are becoming more popular with both business and private users. Business users may find themselves in situations where they are unable to access a computer and need to send an urgent email. Personal users may enjoy using Facebook, Twitter or any other social network or instant messaging applications to stay in touch with friends in any place, at any time. Either way, the popularity of smart phones means that there will be no going back to regular cell phones in the near future.

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