Monday, March 21, 2011

The Evolution of Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become a basic necessity in today's world and have come a long way in terms of network technology, battery power and built-in features. The first mobile phone system was designed in 1956. Originally created by TeliaSonera and Ericsson, it got the ball rolling for further development, as many companies showed an interest in mobile technology.

The first hand-held cellular mobile phone was created in 1983 by American Motorola. The cellular network system was applied to mobile technology. That system is still in use today, because it reduces power use and interference with other signals, while still covering a large area. This is the reason why these phones are also called cell phones.

Although there were already over ten million users in 1990, the most widespread use of mobile technology began in 1991 with the introduction of the GSM network system. According to the International Telecommunication Union, the increase of mobile technology users between 1991 and 2005 was estimated at a whopping 13,550%.

Mobile phones have made significant changes to peoples’ lives and, as the technology advances, they continue to do so. The most significant change is on the social aspect. Users are able to stay in touch with their family and friends in all parts of the world. With the development of smart phones and internet telecommunication, staying in touch has never been easier and cheaper than it is today.

In the business world, cell phones have made communication with clients and co-workers much easier than it was before. However, some people may interpret it as an invasion of privacy. Just like people should leave their private lives private during working hours, they should leave their work out of their private lives. But mobile technology can be very beneficial when it comes to keeping updated about current events in business. Not to mention that being available to people you work with 24x7, especially your clients, is a very important business aspect that mobile technology provides.

With over 2.5 billion users world-wide, mobile phones are one of the most popular gadgets today. That is not a big surprise, because they are becoming very complex multi-functional tools. Apart from phone calls and text messaging, they are also able to play music, take photos, record videos and even connect to the internet as well. So instead of owning a separate gadget for each of these functions, by purchasing a good cell phone, a person can get all of these features in one compact stylish device.

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