Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to keep your smart phone safe

More and more people now own smart phones due to their numerous advantages. The ease of use and multiple features with which they come just makes it everyone’s dream to have one but, due to the market value which is high, many smart phone owners have lost their gadgets to thieves, robbers and so on. Since it has a lot of other functionalities like the ability to store a large capacity of data and most people leave sensitive information on them, it is wise to protect your smart phone and keep it safe. Not only will you want to avoid it being stolen, but also prevent it from breaking down, as you do not want to lose those dollars. Here are some tips you could follow to safeguard your smart phone.

The first thing one should always do is to avoid overcharging your gadget. Most people leave their phones charging for a long time. Do not put the phone on charge until the battery warning is low. Many people have the habit of putting the phone on charge when a bar or two have gone down. This will only decrease the life time of the phone battery.

Make sure you have the security features activated. As you can use your smart phone to store a lot of data, you will need to protect it and your privacy too. In order to achieve this, one needs to activate the password protection on the sensitive areas like SMS and phone book and files. Though this should not be a reason for you not to guard your smart phone, you should always beware of thieves.

You must keep it away from moisture. Water conducts electricity and as your smart phone is an electric device, you do not want to lose it because of a short circuit. You can get a waterproof phone bag to keep it dry, even if there is a downpour.

Last, but not least, gadgets always maintain their value if they are clean and look new. You must therefore make sure you clean it often, so it does not lose its shiny look. You can achieve this by using a cotton cloth for cleaning. Make sure that you first blow off the dirt and dust on your smart phone, if any, before wiping it, as wiping it with the dust may cause scratches on the phone.

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