Monday, June 27, 2011

Commication in the Modern Age

In today’s society, technology has come to play a major role in our lives. More than ever now you see people engulfed in their mobile phones or computers at all hours of the day. It is a little bit scary to think how much of our life is being taken up by technology. The people it most dramatically will affect inevitable are those who have office jobs or jobs where they have to use things like computers and telephones all day long.

While humans become more and more dependent and absorbed by technology, there is often really a lack of other experiences. Just think back to when you were 10 years old. You were not texting your friends who lived 5 miles away, you probably had to wait until you saw them at school, or call them on a land line. Simply the idea of a text message, something that can be sent anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds, makes things like snail mail or the paper postal service obsolete. Text messaging does not take away the quality, novelty and the time and effort put into sitting and writing a letter to someone. Things like that will never go away.

Since mobile phones started to show up in the 1970s and 80s, the technology has not stopped growing. Actually a better way to put it is that the industry has not stopped shrinking. The technology has become smaller and smaller as the years go on. Issues like talking on the phone while driving have been addressed by having headsets that allow you to talk while keeping your hands free, making for an almost comical scene when you see someone at a stoplight next to you who looks like they are talking to themselves. Things like trying to type with numerical as well as alphabetical keyboards have been fixed. Phones are designed with small keyboards to allow easier conversation.
Ultimately the evolution of our technology is nothing but beneficial. It should be respected and not feared, but we should also learn to know when enough is enough. We have a planet that is in dire need of attention and it seems like all we seem to care about is checking our Facebook accounts and sending text messages. Regardless of our connections to technology, our connection to mother earth, the one who gave birth to use all, is far more important to maintain for the safety and future of humankind.

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