Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Make Money out of Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are now a part of life for all ages. From the young school boy to the old business man, a mobile phone is a necessity. The technology keeps growing every day for the better and we always wish to have the newest gadget in the market since the new ones come with added features that make life much easier than previous models. Sometimes we want to change and get the new mobile phones, but after that we don’t know what to do with the old one. You may decide to give it as a gift or make a few dollars out of. Here are some ways you could use to change your old mobile phone into money.

I always believe money is where you are, so if you want to put your phone up for sale, the first place you should think about is where you are. Try to let your family members and friends know that you are putting your phone on sale, as you never know - a family member may need it or, better still, a friend of a family member may need it. This is the easiest way to sell, as they know you in person so they are not afraid of buying a fake product.

You could also try listing it on the ecommerce websites. Most of the websites offer free listings, but charge a small percentage after your product is bought. Some offer bidding facilities which enables visitors to the website to bid on the products. This is of advantage to you, as you will have to take the highest bidder and you may be surprised how much people are willing to offer for your mobile phone.

Still making use of the internet, you can use EBay or sign up for an affiliate program. The good thing with signing up for the affiliate programs is that you do not need any startup capital apart from a computer and internet connection and time on your computer to get people to join the business. This, in most cases, is not a get rich program so one needs to be patient before gaining from it.

The ratio of mobile phones to the population of people in the whole world is like 1 phone to every 2 people and yet the phone industry is still growing and new technology keeps coming up every year. So you are assured that there will always be market for mobile phones whenever you want to put one up for sale.

Silver Jewelries for your Honey

If you would choose sterling silver jewelry to your loved one specifically to your boyfriend or honey, an engravable dog tag or silver bracelet is the best. With this item, you could personalize your gift with both your baby’s name, his age only, or a lengthy message you want to tell him. Through this, you are putting words in an item that represents your love which you believe it will last till the very end. Prices of these items may range from 20$ to 40$.

However, if you are a man, a silver ring is best for your honey because it represents special love between the both of you. But do not plan of an over sumptuous gift like the large prince cut ring. It will really cost you a lot of cash. A simple decorated ring would be enough to make your baby smile and probably say marry me. Most women do not want over ornamented materials. Fancy rings embellished with precious gem stones could be one gift that your girlfriend will love.

If you think your girlfriend does not want a necklace, try a brooch or silver ring. There are a variety of brooch designs that could naturally fit your girlfriend’s personality and liking. There are brooch designed with various emblems, animals, and even abstract looks. So if your girlfriend is fond of insects just what most girls want, why not buy her a butterfly patterned ring. Conversely, if you want a silver ring as a gift, it will be best if you put your best couple tag in it. Your honey will surely be pleased if you will give this as gift.

Gold materials, necklace, bracelets, and earrings, why buy these luxurious accessories when you can settle for a cheaper yet elegant designed accessory. Silver designs decorated with precious stones, like diamonds, rubies and pearls is what your honey would really want. Yes, perhaps it will immediately give you a thought of high cost and high cleaning items. But no, you are definitely wrong. Sterling silver rings is not as expensive as what you might not know. There is a variety of silver jewelry that you can afford.

Silver jewelries are the greatest idea that one could give as a present. It will not only show elegance but would also depict different meanings depending on the designs of the jewelry you have chosen to give as a gift.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Putting the Library on Your Smartphone

Source from:

APPS NYPL Mobile, Biblion, Find the Future

PLATFORMS iPhone and, in the fall, Android for NYPL Mobile; iPad only for Biblion; iPhone and Android for Find the Future.


New Yorkers who have gotten used to having their library cards dangling from their key chains should probably also look into putting the library’s apps onto their phones.

The library has released three mobile applications in the past six weeks. The most recent, NYPL Mobile, is part of the library’s larger conversion of its online catalog into a system run by Bibliocommons, a private company that manages such operations for more than 40 library systems in the United States and Canada. It aims to make it easier to find books, by adding reader ratings and reviews, as well as allowing users to create lists and personal bookshelves.

It should come as a relief to anyone who has ever set out to find reading material by browsing the online catalog. The system is in a public testing period until September, and then it will replace the current one.

For mobile users, linking the app to your library account takes a few relatively painless steps. You have to visit the Web site and link your account to Bibliocommons, then download the app and log in with your barcode number and password. You can then use the app to find a book and have it sent to your local branch, or get directions to locations that have copies on their shelves. You can also see which books you have signed out and whether — oops! — you have run up any fines.

One obvious shortcoming with the app in its current form is that if you use it to find an e-book, you cannot download the book straight to your phone or tablet. The library says it hopes to resolve this eventually.

The library is also using mobile devices to give readers novel ways to interact with material from its collections.

In May it published the first issue of Biblion, a magazine in the form of an iPad app that features items from its collections and commentary on their significance. The library plans to publish one or two issues a year.

The first one focuses on the 1939-40 World’s Fair; the library’s collections include a cornucopia of photographs, charts, original documents and even a few videos from the event. It is not hard to get a kick from the wonders of the electric kitchen, the accounts of the uproar over the fair’s erotic entertainment or the photographs of Fiorello La Guardia with Babe Ruth. The archival material looks wonderful on the tablet’s screen.

But I became frustrated when I tried to do more than flip through the app aimlessly. The articles are chopped into sections, so you have to read a bit, flip through several pages of other material and then read some more. The process gets more onerous when it comes to navigating among articles, and there is no search function. How much work does a guy have to do to read a magazine?

I had more fun with the library’s other new app, a smartphone scavenger hunt called Find the Future. The game accompanies an exhibition by the same name that runs through December at the library’s headquarters, on Fifth Avenue.

The game requires players to seek out various objects or books in the library, and awards points when you snap a photograph of the accompanying Quick Response code, readable by phone cameras. The app takes several moments to process these points, trying to get users to spend some time with the objects rather than running wildly through the building.

It worked for me. I lost an hour snapping photographs of things like Charles Dickens’s cat-claw letter opener and a draft of the Declaration of Independence, and still made it only about halfway through the first of the game’s nine chapters.

Monday, June 27, 2011

BlackBerry Still a Favorite in Mobile Phones

With the introduction of the first smartphones in 1992, different manufacturers of mobile phones have developed more and newer technology in order to remain competitive in the design and function of the phones. In 1999, the BlackBerry was introduced as the ultimate business tool for the person on the go. Along with functions found in many other portable phones, like a calculator, notepad, world clock, games, and calendar, it included a personal digital assistant (PDA), allowing users to keep track of appointments schedule events, store a list of contacts, and keep personal reminders close at hand. In addition to the main functions of cellular phones, the BlackBerry became a leader in cell phones with the addition of a QWERTY keypad for easier entry of notes, emails, reminders, or instant email messaging abilities.

The BlackBerry, like many other cellular phones, uses a proprietary operating system (OS) that is similar the OS found on a computer. However, the OS on the phones is more compact while still allowing the use of different applications that are either pre-installed on the phones or created by third party application vendors and downloaded and installed on the phones as an after-market product. As well as having applications similar to other touch screen phones, the BlackBerry is also known as one of the first Wi-Fi phones, allowing file transfers and backups to a computer with the same functionality. Using “push” technology, the information stored on the phones is automatically sent where the user desires, making the phones highly convenient for busy people to use.

Since its introduction, the BlackBerry has remained a favorite in cellular phones, holding a 14.8% market share in the sales of cell phones. Mobile phones have changed through the years with the addition of touch screen phones in more recent models. The touch screens, along with the QWERTY keypad, give users of the cellular phones yet another way to open to applications they require or with to use, as well as having a physical means of entering text and numbers. In recent years, cellular phones have become more popular not only to business people, but the private sector as well, allowing for file storage and transfer with backup options for the contact list stored in the phones.

There are other brands of smartphones that offer some of the same functionality as the BlackBerry, with the newer touch screens becoming widely available and affordable to the average user of the phones. With more applications for the different brands being released on the market almost daily, the consumer has a nearly endless parade of choices in cellular phones.

Commication in the Modern Age

In today’s society, technology has come to play a major role in our lives. More than ever now you see people engulfed in their mobile phones or computers at all hours of the day. It is a little bit scary to think how much of our life is being taken up by technology. The people it most dramatically will affect inevitable are those who have office jobs or jobs where they have to use things like computers and telephones all day long.

While humans become more and more dependent and absorbed by technology, there is often really a lack of other experiences. Just think back to when you were 10 years old. You were not texting your friends who lived 5 miles away, you probably had to wait until you saw them at school, or call them on a land line. Simply the idea of a text message, something that can be sent anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds, makes things like snail mail or the paper postal service obsolete. Text messaging does not take away the quality, novelty and the time and effort put into sitting and writing a letter to someone. Things like that will never go away.

Since mobile phones started to show up in the 1970s and 80s, the technology has not stopped growing. Actually a better way to put it is that the industry has not stopped shrinking. The technology has become smaller and smaller as the years go on. Issues like talking on the phone while driving have been addressed by having headsets that allow you to talk while keeping your hands free, making for an almost comical scene when you see someone at a stoplight next to you who looks like they are talking to themselves. Things like trying to type with numerical as well as alphabetical keyboards have been fixed. Phones are designed with small keyboards to allow easier conversation.
Ultimately the evolution of our technology is nothing but beneficial. It should be respected and not feared, but we should also learn to know when enough is enough. We have a planet that is in dire need of attention and it seems like all we seem to care about is checking our Facebook accounts and sending text messages. Regardless of our connections to technology, our connection to mother earth, the one who gave birth to use all, is far more important to maintain for the safety and future of humankind.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Locating a Low Budget Cell Phone

Locating a budget cell phone is increasingly becoming a priority for most mobile phone manufacturing enterprises, thus resulting in serious competition for their clientele’s affection. It is no longer necessary to part with large sums of money for mobile phones which do not even match up with regard to design and are only suitable for receiving and making phone calls. Today cellular phones are designed in small varieties, with more functionality and they are priced affordably. The mobile phone has indeed advanced greatly since the first ever mobile phone device was invented. Cell phones have made an intriguing evolution from the chunky to the sleek, from imperfect to full featured, from expensive to budget priced; and mobile phone manufacturers are increasingly getting into tough rivalry for customers with each other.

Locating a low budget cell phone is much easier than it was more than a decade ago, largely because of the abundance of cellular service manufacturers and providers. Contracts for cell phones, in general, allow people to upgrade their phones to better models when the contract ends. This option, which allows one to upgrade their communicating device, is a fantastic opportunity for one to look for cheaper or, at times, even free mobile phones that offers an individual his money’s worth.

Just like with other endeavors which involve purchasing, one can get the finest outcome if he does not opt for the first cheap deal they see. To get the best deal one can negotiate and shop around. Often, deals and promos come up when cell phone manufacturers and service providers look to gain new customers, or to get an edge over their competitors. As phone models alter every year, one can get a superior rate if he buys a particular model around the months of September, November and December.

This brief guide on how to locate an affordable low budget cell phone cannot be complete without offering one advice on how to research for before purchasing low-budget phones. Read phone reviews and research online for the lowest prices and best recommendations to find exceptional quality and value for a cheaply priced phone with few issues.

As days pass, the cellular device continues evolving, while providing instantaneous communication with a person’s friends and family. Together with vibrant technology comes dynamic change in phone rates. To locate the lowest budget phones one is advised to be constantly abreast of the latest advancements in cell phone technology, as well as with the most recent pricing updates.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Microsoft’s ‘Mango’ Says About Its Phone Strategy

Source from:

Microsoft showed off the next version of its smartphone operating system, code-named Mango, at an event in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday morning.

The presentation comes seven months after the release of Windows Phone 7, when it became clear that Microsoft was finally going to stop trying to cram Windows PC software onto a cellphone.

The Mango upgrade takes the simplified user interface of Windows Phone 7, with its big tilelike icons, and pushes things further with some neat features (500, Microsoft claims).

But more important, the show-and-tell pointed to the strategy and tactics Microsoft will count on to catch the leaders in smartphone operating systems, Apple and Google. Microsoft is moving fast for a change, and betting on its computer science, deep pockets and partnerships.

The computer science part amounts to a deep integration of Microsoft search expertise — not just Bing, but all the skills of that team — to alter the user experience of smartphones. “We’re blurring the line between search and applications,” said Andrew Lees, president of the mobile communications business.

The current smartphone experience, he explained, is organized around apps. “The user has to go app by app by app,” Mr. Lees said. “It’s as if every time you wanted to go from the living room to the dining room, you had to go through the front door.”

Mango links location data, information about a subject and shopping options. The results are presented to the user as related views on the screen, instead of links to Web sites as in conventional search.

In a demo, a person typed in the name of a recent movie, “Water for Elephants.” The first screen displayed the location of nearby theaters and show times for the movie. Another tap, and the next screen showed the description and summary of the film, pulled from the movie information service IMDb. Next came options to purchase a ticket through a few online services.

Derek Snyder, a product marketing manager, put Mango through its paces in a speed test against Google Android, Apple iOS and BlackBerry phones. The Mango-equipped phone won. No surprise there. The home team always wins demos. But Microsoft is claiming Mango will be fast and responsive.

Deciding how Microsoft’s Mango compares with the offerings of its fast-moving competitors will be up to the likes of David Pogue, when the new software appears in smartphones in the fall.

But the new Microsoft operating system will be offered by more mobile operators and more handset makers. Mr. Lees did not mention the new operators, but said the “addressable market” would be four times as large as it was for the original Windows Phone 7.

The handset makers in the fall will include the initial three for Windows Phone 7 — Samsung, LG and HTC. The new converts, Mr. Lees said, include Acer, Fujitsu and ZTE. And the big new partner, of course, is Nokia, which in February struck an alliance with Microsoft and declared it would abandon its smartphone software and adopt Windows Phone.

“Nokia brings scale and innovation to our ecosystem,” said Mr. Lees, who noted that Mango was already running Nokia phones in development.

“The stars are aligning,” he said. Mango, Mr. Lees added, represents “a tipping point of opportunity.”

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Professional Grade Tablet

The Internet is a reliable means of communication in many areas of life. Recent technology has created portable computers and gadgets that are capable of internet functions and activities. The Tablet is one of the latest trends in portable digital gadgets that customers and enthusiasts are admiring and using. The units are internet ready and provide online activities like video chat, browsing, sending emails and online media transfer.
In buying this product, it is best to know its features and benefits, in order to have an idea of what this device can do for a user. The main features of the unit are high portability, convenient manual writing, easy operation and its functional components.
The portability of the PC is a fact seen in its compact size and because it is lightweight. The device is very handy and does not create any stress in using it while in motion. The portability of the unit is at the top of its product category. Although the unit is small, it does not hinder its functionality and, better yet, performs satisfyingly. The BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is a good example for its portable performance.

The product has a stylus LCD screen which provides note taking as if writing on paper or an organic notebook. The user who prefers writing to keyboard typing will find this device very comfortable and suitable. The PC has a writing recognition capability that saves everything the user writes. Although stylus input of details is its feature, a user has the option to switch to keyboard typing.

This portable PC is very convenient to use, as it does not require too many technicalities that user should know. The program is easy to understand and use. Using it is very comfortable and storing the item should be on any secured surface. When using the PC, looking at the screen is relaxing due to its good resolution and face-up position.
The functionality of the device makes this item worth its price. The product has parts and components that make it very adaptable to modern customer needs and expectations. The PC includes a camera, USB ports, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and can be connected to your smart phones. The PC supports most types of OS and even Java programs. This portable unit makes application usage and online activity smooth and satisfying.

These are the key features of a Tablet PC. Knowing these features will determine if the product is capable of meeting the wants and requirement of interested customers. The fact that it is in constant demand signifies customers’ appreciation and trust in the unit.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

How to Improve the Lifespan of a Smartphone’s Battery

The smartphone is a state of the art mobile phone device that offers many advanced computing capabilities and connectivity, compared to contemporary feature phones. Feature phones and smartphones can be referred to as portable handheld computer devices that come incorporated with a mobile phone. While, feature phones run applications that are based on platforms like JAVA ME, smartphones allow users to do multiple tasks and run applications that are subject to the basic hardware of the phone. Smart phones can be said to run on (OS) operating system software, which provides a platform for software application developers. This means that a Smartphone combines the abilities of a personal digital assistant and a camera phone.

However, for all its versatility and power, the Smartphones, even the very finest of them, are cursed with extremely bad battery life. Unless someone uses their phone in moderation, (and who can claim to do that?) an individual is lucky to make it to their living quarters at the end of the day with just about enough battery life left for an extra call before the phone goes off. But with a little insight and the appropriate applications, one can increase their Smartphone’s battery life and work, plus use their phone longer than before.

Although some phones last a lot longer as compared to others based on a single charge, nearly all Smartphones go through the same critical predicament - they do a lot. Any battery of 3.7 volts that is tiny enough to fit into an individual’s phone framework stands no prospect of lasting several days under a solid workload of operating applications, sending e-mails, browsing the internet and doing anything else that is expected of the Smartphone.

It is said that there are some phones that, when fully charged, their owners are fortunate to have them last a whole business day on a single charge. But with a few tricks that the owners of those phones employ, they manage to reach home with enough charge left in their phones to make a call. Most Smartphone batteries are at present rated at approximately 5 watt-hours, implying that they can convey a steady charge of 1 watt to the communication device over a time frame of 5 hours. This means that if a person makes use of 1 watt per hour, and they take it off the charger at 6:00 am, they can look forward to their phone finishing the charge it had by midday. So the secret to increasing the battery life is to minimize the amount of power the mobile phone device makes use of per hour.

One of the best ways of reducing a person’s Smartphone energy draw out is to make less use of it. The most practical approach is to turn off the unneeded features and turning down amendable features of the phone. Turing off the phone’s radio when it is not in use, minimizing the screen’s brightness and not deactivating applications that run in the background are some of the best tricks that one can employ to lengthen their phone’s battery life.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to keep your smart phone safe

More and more people now own smart phones due to their numerous advantages. The ease of use and multiple features with which they come just makes it everyone’s dream to have one but, due to the market value which is high, many smart phone owners have lost their gadgets to thieves, robbers and so on. Since it has a lot of other functionalities like the ability to store a large capacity of data and most people leave sensitive information on them, it is wise to protect your smart phone and keep it safe. Not only will you want to avoid it being stolen, but also prevent it from breaking down, as you do not want to lose those dollars. Here are some tips you could follow to safeguard your smart phone.

The first thing one should always do is to avoid overcharging your gadget. Most people leave their phones charging for a long time. Do not put the phone on charge until the battery warning is low. Many people have the habit of putting the phone on charge when a bar or two have gone down. This will only decrease the life time of the phone battery.

Make sure you have the security features activated. As you can use your smart phone to store a lot of data, you will need to protect it and your privacy too. In order to achieve this, one needs to activate the password protection on the sensitive areas like SMS and phone book and files. Though this should not be a reason for you not to guard your smart phone, you should always beware of thieves.

You must keep it away from moisture. Water conducts electricity and as your smart phone is an electric device, you do not want to lose it because of a short circuit. You can get a waterproof phone bag to keep it dry, even if there is a downpour.

Last, but not least, gadgets always maintain their value if they are clean and look new. You must therefore make sure you clean it often, so it does not lose its shiny look. You can achieve this by using a cotton cloth for cleaning. Make sure that you first blow off the dirt and dust on your smart phone, if any, before wiping it, as wiping it with the dust may cause scratches on the phone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Silver Jewelry Present Shows Appreciation

Silver jewelry is at times overlooked when choosing other kinds of jewelry. The low cost of silver jewelry sometimes makes people conclude that this is an indication of a lower quality than those of other metals. This is not the truth. The steely color that is combined with hard wearing quality makes renders silver jewelry attractive and fine. It is suitable for all people, including men.

When planning to offer any kind of jewelry to a person, silver is the most affordable. It can be given for various occasions like a:
• Wedding
• Graduation
• Engagement
• Baby shower
• Anniversary
• Mother’s day
• Bridal shower
• Birthday
• Job promotion
• Valentine’s day
• Christmas

Silver jewelry is appreciated more for anniversaries and Valentine’s Day because it is affordable and is known for the way it reflects love. However, this does not restrict it to these two occasions. A pair of silver earrings goes well with some silver rings and also bracelets. The combination makes the jewelry look cool and this is why many people prefer to offer it as a sign of their appreciation for certain individuals.

When sterling silver jewelry is presented as a form of gift, it has to be special and unique. The sentimental value of the jewelry is increased if it has a message, such as initials or even a short phrase engraved on it. The phrase or the message conveys the emotional meaning behind the piece of jewelry that is offered as a gift. The silver jewelry that is offered as a gift could be a ring, a bracelet or a pendant.

There are even watches that are made of silver. The additional style is what gives the feelings a boost in the recipient; and this increases the supposed value of the silver jewelry. Apart from sentimental value on the jewelry or the engraved message, the wrapping in which the sterling silver jewelry is placed adds to its value and uniqueness. It is good to have a different way of wrapping the jewelry. This does not have to be complicated. A simple but appealing touch on the silver gift wrap will be appreciated by the person receiving the gift, if it truly comes from the sender’s heart. Silver jewelry is popular because it is versatile. It can accent different colors and many types of clothing. Silver jewelry also matches well with other types of accessories.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How safe is your smartphone?

Resource from:
By Jane Wakefield
Technology reporter

Smartphones are getting pretty clever these days but it is unlikely they will outwit the cybercriminals as fraudsters increasingly go mobile.

Last week Android Market, the shop front for applications aimed at Android smartphones, was hit by around 60 malicious apps.

It is thought that they did little real damage other than to Android's reputation, but the incident put the issue of mobile security back in the headlines.

Phones are attractive to criminals because they are essentially mini computers but with some important added extras.

"Phones also have direct access to address books, calendars as well as offering an ability to generate revenue," said Ian Fogg, an analyst with Forrester Research.

The type of personal data typically stored on a phone opens up a rich new vein for the modern fraudster's preferred crime - identity theft.

However, a more immediate income can be made from so-called rogue dialling programs - malicious bits of code capable of placing calls, unbeknown to the owner.

They are, according to Ovum analyst Graham Titterington, the "number one malware threat" to smartphones.

"Rogue dialling connects the phone automatically to a premium number that invariably belongs to a crook based in another country," he explained.

But it is not an insurmountable issue, he thinks.

"I don't understand why the mobile operators can't just cut off payments - then the problem goes away. But this type of international co-operation seems to be lacking at the moment," said Mr Titterington.

The close relationship between smartphones and location poses a risk that malicious apps will be able to track exactly where a person is at any given time.

"It could even be that it would be used to find out when someone is away from home," said Mr Fogg.

While it sounds scary, these nightmare scenarios are very far removed from the real picture, for the moment at least.

"So far there has been no major detrimental impact on consumers," points out Ben Wood, an analyst from CCS Insight.

"There will be a day when there is a catastrophic security lapse and then people will start taking it more seriously," he added.

Android may have hit the headlines but all smartphone operating systems have been targeted by malware of one kind or another.

To date, most iPhone security lapses have focused on offering users the power to break free from Apple's control with software that 'jailbreaks' the iPhone, a modification which enables users to run non-Apple approved software.

"These hacks are often reported as a good thing but from a security point of view it is a nightmare," said Mr Fogg.

Several bugs have taken advantage of jail-broken phones.

A relatively harmless iPhone worm which changed the handset's wallpaper to a picture of Rick Astley was followed a few months later with a more serious bug that targeted people using their iPhones for internet banking with Dutch online bank ING.

Blackberry handsets and Symbian phones have been targeted by a mobile version of the Zeus trojan. Victims were directed to a fake website where they are invited to download an app which then steals their banking details.

Such phishing attacks are likely to become a huge problem for smartphones, thinks Alex Vaystikh a researcher from security firm RSA.

"You can't always see the whole screen and you might be more likely to click on things you wouldn't click on a computer screen," he said.

And when mobile banking reaches a critical mass, there will be a good reason for criminals to phish from mobiles.

"There needs to be a financial incentive and that incentive isn't there right now, but consumers definitely want more service on their mobiles, like electronic wallets and banking, so the potential is huge," said Mr Vaystikh.

There are various ways to attack a mobile phone but by far the most popular is through downloadable applications.

Some experts think that Android's Marketplace is especially vulnerable because it is more open than Apple and Microsoft's systems.
Continue reading the main story
“Start Quote

We are going to have to see a re-engineering of the infrastructure of how apps are delivered”

Graham Titterington Ovum analyst

"All have restrictions and guidelines and stipulate no pornography, no viruses and no spyware," explained Phillip Dall, from mobile security firm BullGuard.

"But with the iPhone and Ovi store, apps are sent for some pretty serious testing. At Android the process is different, there are far more self-signed applications," he said.

Others think that there are other aspects to Android which make it just as secure, such as its policy of letting users know what data and resources an app will have access to, giving more savvy users the chance to spot obvious malware.

Google has said that it has no current plans to start pre-screening apps on Android Market.

It said that the recent spate of malicious applications could only access device-specific data.

The company did take the step of remotely "killing" them on all affected phones, proving, if nothing else, that it does ultimately have control over its apps.

There is also a question about how long Apple and Microsoft can continue pre-screening their applications, according to Mr Fogg.

"It is becoming an app internet as they become the primary way people go online, but the sheer volume of them makes human moderation impossible," he said.

Apple does not discuss how it tests apps but it is believed to use both human moderation and automated systems.

Mr Titterington thinks that there needs to be an industry-wide sea-change in mobile security.

"There is a need for Apple and Google to put in place a quality framework - a series of standard tests that issue apps with a health certificate," he said.

And it needs to be made less easy for users to install rogue apps.

"We are going to have to see a re-engineering of the infrastructure of how apps are delivered," he added.

"We need a more proactive approach to installing apps. It isn't going to happen in current generation of phones but maybe in the next two to

Monday, June 13, 2011

BlackBerry Videos - the Movie Formats that are Compantble to the Device

The BlackBerry phone supports a wide range of services, but considering your phone and mobile provider, there are some video formats that are not compatible. This implies that you have to ensure you look for formats that are compatible with your device if they are to be played on your computer. The conversion of the videos is simple, if you have the right conversion software and you are also aware of the software varieties which are supported by the BlackBerry phone. Read on for more information on BlackBerry Videos which come in compatible formats to the device.

Compatible Formats

Among the main Blackberry videos which are supported by this device are AVI, 3GP, ASF, MOV, WMV and MP4 among others. The MP4 and AVI are the regular video formats. The MP4 formats are mostly used in cell phones. The MKV and FLV video formats are common in videos that are downloaded from online sites. You will need a video converter to convert the videos into the right BlackBerry videos format for your phone.

Best Resolution

The suitable resolution for your Blackberry videos is determined by the model of the phone you are using. Some models will support resolutions such as 480x360 for Tour 9630, Curve 8900 and Storm 9530; 480x320 for the Bold 9000. Many Curve and Pearl models support 320 x 240. There are other Pearl models which support 240 x 320, such as Pearl Flip handles, while others have 240 x 260, such as Pearl 8130.

PC to Phone Video Transfer

The BlackBerry videos can be transferred from a computer to your device with the help of a USB cable. Select the USB option which will be compatible with the video files you want to upload. You will need to use media transfer for files that are protected by DRM. Enter your password if you are prompted to do so. The device will be read as a removable gadget in `My Computer’. Open the unit and copy the files into your BlackBerry’s video folder.

Video Conversion

Any suitable converter can be applied, as long as you make sure that the output video will meet the specifications that are required by your particular BlackBerry phone. There are several organizations involved in manufacturing the specific converters for BlackBerry videos. Other converters are general and can be used in conversion of a wide range of videos. If you do a good search, you will find converters which are free applications. Look for converters that will allow you to extract audio, zoom and even modify the clips.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Touch Screen Phones Change the Market

The first touch screen phones arrived on the market in 1992, forever changing the functionality of smartphones. The mobile phones were loaded with many different applications, like a calculator, world clock, games, a calendar and a notepad. Since then, many other developers of smartphones have added to the array of designs and applications to give consumers an almost confusing choice in mobile phones. In the competitive realm of touch screen phones, devices such as the BlackBerry have gone one step farther by adding an attached QWERTY keypad to allow functions such as email and instant messaging. In addition, the BlackBerry combined all of the features of other cell phones and included a personal digital assistant (PDA).

Smartphones such as the BlackBerry are basically hand-held computers with integrated mobile phones. They offer more advanced applications than those found on basic feature phones; and touch screen phones allow faster access and ease of use for the applications, eliminating the need to scroll or punch buttons to find what the user wants to use. Like many other smartphones, the BlackBerry uses an operating system (OS) similar to a computer in order to allow use of not only the standard applications that are loaded on the mobile phones, but also third party applications developed for specific smartphones.

Similar to the BlackBerry, other touch screen phones have their own proprietary OS and some applications that are exclusive to the particular brand of smartphones. Although the exclusive applications are not compatible with other mobile phones, the developers also create applications that are able to be used on a variety of smartphones in order to create a standard compatibility and remain competitive with other touch screen phones, such as the BlackBerry. In addition to providing many different applications for use on other mobile phones, the designers of smartphones followed the example of the BlackBerry by adding a QWERTY keypad that is either a part of the main touch screen phones or that slides out from behind the main screen, giving users even more ways to use their mobile phones.

As the years go by, the manufacturers and designers of touch screen phones and their applications have added even more functionality, allowing them to stay competitive in an ever-changing market for smartphones. In addition to adding new applications and functions, newer touch screen phones like the BlackBerry provide backward compatibility for older applications, allowing users to continue to use their favorite applications or games on the newer smartphones without additional cost.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Information Age That We Live In

The past 50 years has brought about what many sociologists call the Age of Information. Much as in the Industrial Age which brought about a massive rise in industry (as well as carbon emissions), the information age has brought about massive changes in the ways we communicate and information is seen.

In the 1950s we saw the rise of televisions in many households and families would gather around them after school, work and dinner for entertainment and family time, whereas pre-television the family would do the same thing, except it was around a radio instead. As human technology has evolved, so has our knowledge. Today with the access of nearly infinite amounts of information at our fingertips provided by the internet, there only remains the dark corners of government and private service that leave us in the dark.

The big question is if people are truly utilizing technology to its fullest? With the access of the internet all around us on smart phones and other wireless comforts, do people really have any excuse to say they do not know certain aspects of history – or any topic for that matter? As a singularity we can only know so much at any given time, but the majority of the population is walking around with the collective human brain in their pocket and it is so sad to see it being wasted on mindless text messages. When you see someone looking down at their phone on the train, it is not likely they are reading about socioeconomics or studying a foreign language, they are most likely planning on what bar to go spend their money at later.

It is not the technology which makes the information age so great, it is the potential it gives us humans should we ever choose to fully utilize it for solidarity and growth. When you really think about it, text messaging is paving the way for a higher human intelligence, essentially in a few hundred years; text messaging will be obsolete due to telepathy acquired through evolution.

Probably one of the worst aspects of the rise in technology is the competition. Ultimately the free market should drive prices down as companies fight for the best quality product. In reality I see this as a horrendous form of share cropping which is only driving prices up, as companies battle not for who has the best product, but who gets the majority share of profits on the market. If these companies in completion should ever come together to form affordable technology to be utilized by all people, then we can really start reaping some benefits. The bottom line which must be said is that smartphones are only as smart as the people using them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting Started With Making Sterling Silver Jewelry At Home

Are you wondering how you can start making your own sterling silver jewelry at home? Wonder no more, because whether you are doing it just for fun, to become a silver jewelry seller, or you are planning to join the business, in this article I have some tips for you to kick start your project. To make the process much easier, it is advised that beginners try to learn silver smithing from a professional metalworker.

Make sure you have tools like round nose pliers, cutting pliers and a small ball-peen hammer. Also prepare pickling compound. Get all the supplies that you will need and make sure your workspace is large enough and has enough light, as you may have to work with small particles. Do not forget some protective gear like eye glasses and an apron.

1. To start, you should have a pattern or design that you want to create. Use your cutter to cut a piece of the silver sheet into the desired size for the project.

2. Use your hammer and nose pliers to shape the silver into what you want. If there are other pieces that you want to join to the main piece, shape them to the desired shape too.

3. After that you can now heat solder and apply some to each silver piece that you may want to attach. Attach them one at a time.

4. After attaching them, you can place the jewelry in warm pickling compound using tongs, to remove the waste materials on it.

5. You can now use plain water to rinse your sterling silver jewelry clean.
Make sure you wipe your sterling silver jewelry with a soft jewelry cloth and if you cannot, then use 100% cotton cloth so as not to cause scratches on it. Moisture tarnishes silver, so in order to avoid this you must wipe the sterling silver jewelry dry and store in a cool dry place. Avoid storing the already made jewelry pieces together, as they may rub each other and scratch.

It is really exciting, though sometimes challenging, to start making sterling silver jewelry at home - especially if you are a beginner and you have no one to tell you exactly what to do; but if you are always focused on learning something and you put some time aside for it, believe me, it will take less time than you thought to become a professional sterling silver jewelry maker.

The Technology of the Information Age

Who can help but want one of those fancy cell phones that will allow you to text, surf the internet, make phone calls and who knows what else. Technology has come a long way in just the past 40 or 50 years. Massive leaps in storing, transmitting and receiving information have left many out in the blue as to why there are so many people walking around with their heads turned down, completely absorbed into some form of technology.

The technological leaps are no doubt a relief and add some sense of ease to everyday use, but it is sadly massively abused. People are always texting or using their phones. You cannot escape seeing it. This is the scary part of the technology - the way it has taken some people by the reigns. I, for one, enjoy not having a cell phone but, of course, one is needed for work and the like. I like to know that people cannot reach me wherever I am as it adds a certain sense of solidarity and peace to life which is only interrupted or severely mutated when technology is around.

It is of course unavoidable to own and use technology in today’s information age. Technology is a fantastic tool as far as accessing and sending information. It should not be feared and it should be used. In certain aspects, technology is being ruined and limited by competition in the free market. Take, for instance, what it takes to get an unlocked phone in North America. I recently purchased the BlackBerry Tour, refurbished. This phone allows you to use a foreign carrier’s SIM card if you are overseas. Usually the SIM card readers are locked, allowing you to only use the SIM card of the main service provider of the phone. To get these phones unlocked is nearly impossible and maybe even against the law. Whatever happened to just buying a phone and being able to use whatever service you prefer, or which is better for your area? Being a world traveler, the BlackBerry Tour should come in handy. Otherwise I would have to buy a different cell phone in whatever country I am, with SIM cards for that area. Either that, or pay ridiculous roaming charges, which simply does not add up. The technology is improving but there are still some aspects of the free market, competition, profit and share cropping that is ruining the potential for human communication.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Latest Kinds of Tablet Products

The competition for portable computers is very stiff and widely seen in both online and offline markets. The providers and manufacturers of such products create their own versions of handy mobile PCs. One of the most popular and admired items in this product category is the Tablet PC. This portable PC has its own uniqueness and functionality.

The current market for this product shows different brands, models and designs. The product also has different models, each of which is famous for its own unique features. The kinds include Convertible, Slate, Hybrid and Booklet.

The Convertible type PC has a feature for using the LCD screen in stylus or pen mode, or with the use of a keyboard. The user has the option to input data in stylus writing or keyboard typing. This kind of portable PC looks similar to a laptop, but is differentiated by its rotating display screen. The rotation could be up to 180°.

The Slate is a multi-touch screen portable PC which runs on dedicated programs and applications that can be an alternative workstation for activities in desktop. The device does not have a keyboard and all command input is by finger touch, stylus input, or handwriting detection. Although it has no attached keyboard, the user has the option of connecting a keyboard through a USB port or wireless connection. The product is built and designed to withstand accidental falls and bumps, extreme humidity and unfavorable conditions.

The Booklet PC looks like a book. It has two screens that can be opened and folded like a book. This PC is designed with digital pen use for touch recognition commands. The product is preferable for online browsing, e-book reading and taking notes.
The Hybrid PC is a combination of the Convertible and Slate PCs. The keyboard is attachable and removable and once the keyboard is detached, it can operate in a Slate type function. This device is recommended for users who have different needs of inputting data and operation.

Presently, Tablet usage depends on the needs or intentions of the user. All these kinds provide mobility, convenient usage, functionality and a fair price. The product is purchasable in online computer stores and other gadget-selling platforms. Some providers offer low pricing, discounts and sales packages. This portable digital unit is functional and users will find this item worth its price. The device will remain in demand, mainly because it is truly a useable item.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Styling with Sterling Silver Jewelry

Many people express their style and personality with jewelry, finding unique or unusual pieces that make a statement about them. Depending on the metals used in creating the jewelry, purchasing the pieces can get rather expensive. For example, gold prices have risen in recent years making gold jewelry more expensive to buy. In addition, gold is a soft metal and the higher the gold karat the more bendable and breakable it is. Other metals such as nickel are cheaper, but may cause reactions to the skin such as swelling and rashes. A better option is silver jewelry due to the strength of the metal and the less expensive price.

Only the imagination limits the ways that sterling silver jewelry is designed and used. The silver jewelry can be in the form of chains, earrings, belt buckles, rings and even riveted designs on clothing or accessories. Using different combinations of gemstones in the designing of sterling silver jewelry adds even more value and personality to the pieces. Since the metal is very versatile and reasonably priced, silver jewelry has grown in popularity as a way to add style to the wardrobe and express personality.

Since sterling silver jewelry is less expensive, it is used in many different ways that would not be practical at the higher cost of other metals. For example, silver jewelry adds glamour, style and personality to wedding celebrations. In some traditional weddings, the bride’s veil and her gown are embedded with sterling silver jewelry and gemstones for a look of wealth and glamour. The lapels and sleeve cuffs of the groom and his groomsmen also sport the silver jewelry. Table coverings and centerpieces are embedded with sterling silver jewelry and sparkles in the dimmed lighting of the wedding reception room for even more glamour.

Silver jewelry is also used to adorn evening gowns, shoes and purses as well as being worn as elaborate designs of sterling silver jewelry such as necklaces, tiaras and rings. In addition to adding sparkle and glamour to evening and wedding wear, silver jewelry is used to express religious beliefs or as part of a religious ceremony. Because of its durability and versatility, sterling silver jewelry can be worn day after day for a long term without damage, making it perfect for showing off a special piece that represents a loved one or a design that has personal meaning to the wearer.