Monday, November 15, 2010

Smart phones-The New Age Mobile Phones

The New Age Mobile Phone-so called Smartphone is a conventional mobile phone integrated with an advanced computing system. A smartphone enables one to communicate with people much like the basic feature phone. At the same time it helps one to perform computational work normally done by a computer. This handheld computer-cum Cell Phone uses a powerful processor with enough memory, a larger screen and a special operating system that brings the features of a communication system and a computational system on a single platform. The concept of the first smartphone called Simon introduced by the IBM can be traced back to the year 1992. In the following year the product was commercialized for public use by BellSouth. Subsequently mobile company giants such as Nokia, Ericson, Blackberry followed the suit. This multifunctional device besides being a mobile phone provide a number utility services such as address-book, scientific calculators, not-pad, fax (send and receive), e-mail, games and many more.

Many of the advanced smartphones are equipped with Touch Screen Phones to select different menus, functions, phone numbers etc. More advanced systems are also equipped with GPS, a large Megapixel (5 or above) camera with auto-flash, LED flash, 3G, Wi-Fi connectivity. The operating system of a smartphone largely differs from that of a conventional mobile phone. The first generation mobile phones were based on Symbian operating system.

Smart Cell Phones are indeed assets for the professionals on move. These phones keep them updated by constantly keeping them in touch with their office personnel, clients and others and at the same time assisting them to prepare their project proposals, presentations and other day-to-day computational work while on move. The smartphone can also be used as an entertainment accessory by them to relax after a hectic schedule. With a mere finger touch they can access on-line world of entertainment such as on-line music and videos or even browse important news papers and magazines. This multifunctional asset can turn into a disaster if not used properly. Particularly, the smartphones must be kept away from the reach of the kids. The kids may be exposed to the world of dreaded video games, pornographic and other derogatory sides unknowingly. Several reports have revealed that kids having access to smartphones have become victims of the ill-effects of this gadget. Finally, the smartphones today are not that smart to hide the identity of their owners. Reports show that professional hackers can easily break open the identity of the smartphone owner with a secret seven digit code. This is likely to increase the risk of more cybercrimes with the widespread use of this product.

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