Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pricing factors for smart phones

Smart phones are one of the most technologically advanced electronic gadgets. As the telecommunication facility is getting wider and people have more options in the electronic gadgets, there is competition among the cell phone manufacturers. Every manufacturer wishes to win over the competitors, and therefore, always on a search for inventions. To win over the competitors, they have one basic and simple approach that is to offer more features at an affordable rate. Every day we come across a new version of the smart phones with some new features, and there is a competition for price reduction as well. It is obvious that the customers will prefer those phones which are lower in price range, and higher in the feature range.

One of the most important factors in the pricing for smart phones is the Touch screen facility. Touch phones belong to a number of categories, and the respective categories fifer from each other with the screen quality. By screen quality, we mean the screen resolution, the screen dimensions, and the sensitivity of the screen. If the screen can exhibit better resolution quality with a wider base, definitely it will be on the higher price range. And the sensitivity of the screen depends on the complexity of the screen design. The price of the smart phone increases with the complex designs incorporated in it.

To stand the competition in the Touch screen phone market, manufacturers adopt various strategies. Reduction of the production cost certainly reduces the price, but imagine the situation where your production cost is in the same level that of your competitor. In such a case, you can reduce the price by following a number of strategies. If you can minimize the number of middlemen between you and your final customer, subsequently the price reduces. Pricing depends on the policy of the manufacturer as well. Suppose you are to choose between a very big distributer with a wide spread network, and a number of small distributors with limited network. In such a case, you are to optimize cost with the network your distributor will be offering. Choose the option that enables you to reach a wider market with minimum cost. However, you cannot do much if the tax imposed on the manufactured item is too high. The price has to go up then.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Smart Phone- Attractive genre of Cell Phones

Cell Phones exist in the market since 1983. Due to the uniqueness of the concept, it did not take much time to gain popularity among the users. Keeping a latest cell phone is one of the common behaviors of people which are present in the world since that time. Using a cell phone which has some extraordinary features has been in fashion since the birth of cell phones. Cell phone industry is a field where technological advancement could be easily seen to a higher extent. If you do a proper market research you would find that something new is launched in cell phone market every week. One of the latest inventions of the technological experts is the Smartphone.

Smartphones is different from the other ordinary cell phones in basically two ways. First thing is the built of the product and the other one is the functionality. As per many cell phone users, the product comprises some unique features which enable it to act more or less like a PC. Elements like e-mailing, e-book reading; external keyboard makes the product a diverse and significant factor in the market of cell phones. Apart from the internet aspects, there are some other factors as well which receive special consideration of the users. Aspects like in built camera, standard GPRS System, and mini-keyboard are also available in most of the models. It is not that every product comprises the same features; every product has some unique elements which makes it different from other available range.

smart phones capture almost ten per cent of the total cell phone production launched in the market. In the recent times the product has been launched by several reputed brand names like Blackberry, Nokia N Series, Samsung, Palm Pre, etc. The product is attracting every genre of cell phone users. Be it a 35 years old business man or a 21 year college girl, the latest concept of the cell phones is becoming a matter of status as well as fashion for everyone. The product is becoming a must buy for every cell phone user who expect something new from his or her gadget.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Smartphone- Buying Ideas

Smartphones have become necessity for all the Cell Phone users who want something extra. Making and receiving calls, sending and receiving messages are the features which is available with every ordinary cellular phone. However there are lots of things which a user might require from his phone. Don’t you feel a need of checking your emails or sharing any data with your clients while traveling? It’s true that laptops are meant for this purpose. However, if you are getting the same options in your Cell Phone, the job becomes easy as you are not required to carry extra gadget.

Here we are discussing about some of the factors which should be kept in mind while approaching any Smartphone. The first thing which should be considered by every buyer of the product is the price. Due to the advanced features and unique technology used in the product, the price is quite high as compared to the other ordinary products. It is advised to the buyer to do thorough market research about the concept before approaching it. The product is available with various brands like Samsung, BlackBerry, Nokia, etc. The price differs from brand to brand. One easy option to check the price is internet. You can search the official websites of various brands and find the difference of price among all the models.

Apart from the price of the Smartphones, there is yet another factor which should be given a special consideration while approaching the product. It is the features available with the product. The features are not same in every model. Some or the other uniqueness could be seen in the various models launched by different brands. Some comprises the features of high resolution camera while some has the benefits of video calling. The list of the features included in various models is endless. Before going for any of the model check the standard and requirement of the features available with the cell phone. If you don’t like or don’t require a certain feature, there is no point in investing money on that particular object. These were some of the buying tips which could help you to get a perfect product according to your requirement and within your range.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Operating systems in smart phones

Many operating systems are utilizing by Smart Mobile Phone manufacturer companies these days like symbian Operating system, Blackberry Operating system, iOS, Windows mobile OS and Android. Biggest selling Operating system is Symbian Operating System.

Symbian OS is Operating System developed by Nokia Corporation for its smart phones and mobile devices. In 2008 Symbian software limited was taken over by Nokia and a new organization symbian foundation was formed.Symbian system was designed taken in to account that security and integrity of users data is most important, recourses are scares so should properly utilized and users time should not be wasted. To follow this symbian operating system uses a microkernel, uses a request and callback approach and maintains distinction between engine and users interface.Symbian is designed, taken in to account compatibility with other devices especially media file systems that are removable.Symbian uses a reference user interface named as “TechView”. It provides a strong basis for customisation and provides for the environment in which example code and symbian test runs.

Android Mobile Operating system was developed by Google and it is based upon modified version of Linux kernel .It was developed by a firm Android inc. to which Google purchased later. Android has a large community of developers that writes Application Programs or Apps.Currently there are over 70000 apps are available for the android. Founding of Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 78 Hardware, Software ant Telecom Companies was taken place on 5 November, 2007 to advance the open standards for Mobile Phones. Most of android code was released by Google under the Apache Licence.Software stack of Android Operating System contains Java applications that runs on Java based application framework that is object oriented.

BlackBerry OS was developed by Research In Motion or RIM for its blackberry line of handheld devices and smartphones.Blackberry OS supports for specialized input devices and adopted by RIM in its smartphones like trackball,trackwheel,trackpad and touchscreen. iOS is the mobile operating system developed by Apple for its iPhone. Apple does not allow iOS to run on the 3rd party hardware. User interface of Apple is based on utilization of multi-touch gestures and direct manipulation.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Using Smart phones is a great idea

Smart phones are the best mobiles that are ever launched in the market. In brief we can say that smart phones are nothing but a wireless telephone with the best computer features. People look at many mandatory features like various applications support, internet connectivity, email support, etc. For a normal mobile, nothing has to be considered, we can go for any mobile with the best battery. But what make the difference are the additional features which we cannot find in the normal mobile. For the normal smart phones, GPS connectivity, email support, web applications support, best pixel quality, video features, etc are mandatory.

Smartphone is considered as the best technology so far found. They help in managing many personal and professional things at the same time. They are of great demand across the globe. Companies make a lot of money in this way and the profits are also very high. People tend to go the best smart phone even when the prices are high. QWERTY keyboard has made a lot of difference. This is because people who are quite comfortable with the computer keyboard can easily operate in the same way on the smart phone. Software’s required for performing various tasks should be loaded. Basic software is provided by the company, but the required one for the task should be uploaded.

PDA phones are nothing but the phones with the best display ability and also with the touch screen features. These phones are in great demand across the globe and are still growing. Some PDA’s have been launched with the audio capacity. This additional feature makes a lot of difference in the price and also with respect to the market value of the product. PDA phones have the best texting features like virtual keyboard and handwriting reorganization. We can also connect an external keyboard to these phones when required. Wireless connectivity is another best option available through which data can be transferred. Entertainment is well designed in these PDA phones. GPS is one of the best features of these phones using which we will be able to locate required places.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A complete change in telecommunication: Mobile phone

A Mobile Phone is a device which is electronic in nature and a two way radio communication. Cell phones are totally different from cordless phones because those were used in a limited space and on the other hand mobiles are used anywhere there is proper network coverage for it. A mobile phone is a device used to make calls to the mobile network and landline as well. The mobile phone works using the network provided by cellular networks. There cellular network is owned by a cellular network provider.

Apart from sending and receiving calls one is able to send and receive messages. With the advent of technology it is possible for one to make video calls as well. Now one can send and receive multimedia messages with it. There are features like media player and camera which is again a very high resolution camera and with that we are able to capture our favorite memorable moments of life. One can capture important video clippings and send it to the desired person to express its feelings. As there are uses there are misuses as well these multimedia mobile phones have become a very lethal weapon in the hands of wicked people. They use it to capture obscene clippings and use it to blackmail the persons. And demand money.

Now these cell phones are coming with the services of internet with it that’s why they are a new kind of mode of communication. They are just amazing. You are able to stay connected to the world 24x7. They are just amazing. They are so technically designed so that they are capable to do all the services you do in your office. You are now connected 24x7. There are dedicated web sites mainly to offer you cell phones which are of different kinds. From simple to blackberry there is every kind of cell phone out there to cater your needs. There is one thing to do that is just click to the right link and you will have your right companion that is your new cell phone. So take advantages of mobiles phones.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Smart phones: Rocking in the market

Smartphone is an electronic device which has the best features that a normal individual is looking out for. These have attracted people in such a way that it has become the people’s first choice. We can say that this is because of its different and advanced features which we cannot find in any normal mobile. In earlier days, people used mobiles only to make calls but in this modern generation, right from booking a ticket to watching a live news has become very handy. Smart phone is designed keeping the generation in mind. Because of this people tend to go for the smart phone than for any other mobiles.

Smart phones have the advanced technology which we can find in personal digital assistance. Operating system, access to the internet, loading applications, etc are some of the key features at which people look into. We can receive the mails from our inbox directly into our smart phones. It supports multiple email services which is an added advantage. With the change in the generation, people also expect change in the mobile phones. Smart phones have satisfied many people and we can see that its growth curve is rising constantly with out any glitches. QWERTY keyboard facility can be seen which resembles more of a computer.

PDA phones are something people look at with great interest. That is because of its features and the best applications. These work more like a television or a screen on which movie or recorded videos can be viewed. PDA phones are designed with the advanced features because of which we will be able to access various applications and services. We can say that a person can easily work on excel sheets, word documents, etc from any where as these PDA phones provides the facility to do so. Care should be taken that appropriate operating system has been used to perform the task. Business people prefer to use these phones so that they can save a lot of time. These are available in various brands and also at various prices based on its features in the market.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Smart phone A Crucial Business Device

The world’s best PDA phones have line up with the fastest mobile broadband networks. These are the diverse units that are engaged significantly to deliver their customers a good platform. These phones provide options in excess that are crucial for the customers. Switching to the best technically specialized phones are becoming essential for the community. People these days require such a phone that would help to manage their business and take specific decisions regarding their business practice. Convenience is admired by everyone and thus, we all want to the best applicable smart phone that would deliver the best apps and let you face the imminent suspension with their services. These phones help the potentials of the business and help the businessman to grow his business efficiently. These phones are powered by Android software and are quite popular among the consumers. This is sufficient for a business and enables the managers of the business to take it in the desired direction.

If you want to experience the high level user knowledge, you must turn towards the Android plus security and provides reliability to the whole enterprise. It can also work on the 3G network. Manufacturers say that if they don’t deliver Smart Phones they could not survive. These have become essential and the technology is continuously enhancing the best handsets nationwide. This phone can shot the video with the high quality camera and the stylus of the phone meets the edges and renders developments to every aspect of the business. Companies launch the new designs and featured phone from time to time and now is the time when market bucket is full of amazing and inventive mobile phones.

These phones have made achievements that are now making the consumers feel proud that they own a smart mobile phone. These are the phones that can manage things around you from your home to your job. You can entertain yourself with the multimedia players and thus, it helps you to freshen up your mood and make you feel delighted. This is an amazing gadget and thus, makes you feel on top of the world when you stay connected 24/7 with your friends through internet.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smart phones are in demand

Smart phone can be defined as the result of PDA and cellular phone. We can say that smart phone has much more features close to a computer. The best thing about a smart phone is that it will help in the storage of the data, installation of latest applications or can run some of the useful programs. These are basically designed keeping people’s requirement in mind. We can say that these are the best phones for the business users as they have a very high requirement of the features it has. The operating system should be the best to support various applications.

Smart phones are definitely in demand and we cannot deny the fact. We can say that these smart phones are not only famous among business people but are also in demand among students. There are many models available in the market which has big touch screens where are some are different with easy portability. Based on the preference of the people, these Smart phones are in demand. Students always prefer to have Smartphones with more storage capacity as they are very much interested in downloading and storage of various data. People love music and prefer to have it in handy. So in most of the cases, mobiles act an IPod and also as a music system. Here in this case storage capacity matters a lot.

Many people must be waiting for a very different to be launched which can provide them with all the features they are looking out for. We can say that their dream has come true through PDA Phones. These mobiles have the latest feature of watching a movie or an online video. The only requirement in such case is the internet connection. There are available in the best models and also in best colors. PDA phones stands for personal digital assistant phones. Features like movie viewers, games, email supports are the best among others. Many companies have launched these PDA phones and each of them has their own unique features. A proper research about the features is required before buying a new PDA phones.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Best use of Smart phones during travelling

Many people are switching from their old mobiles to new smart phones; this is because of their extraordinary features and the applications. Cell Phone is the best option for the people look out for basic and additional features. These phones are designed by many different companies using different technologies and manufacture using different materials. Cell phone like Smart phone is the used by many people working in different fields for various purposes. They are used to capture evidence in case of witnesses. There are smart phones for business purposes and are called as business phones. Cell phone is best in used while travelling long distances as they entertain many people and helps in passing time.

Cell Phones are available in different sizes, shapes designs and colors. Generally, companies launch these smart phones in sliver white and black colors. Later, they release them with minimal changes in the features as a new model. Cell phones are designed with camera feature having different mega pixels. The pictures captured are clear and are of good quality. People who are look for the good snapshot resolution can go for these smart phones. There are different websites available online in the internet that provides complete information about the features and the technology used in designing them. Cell phones are provided with different graphical games that attracted many children and young people.

The prices of these Mobile Phones are high when compared to other mobiles. The price depends on the company, model, features, style and color. Smart phones are provided with good voice clarity, recording voices, Bluetooth, internet facility, Touch Phones etc. Mobile phones can be purchased by any common man as the price fit into their budgets. In the smart phones, there are basic and advanced versions phones. The prices of these vary depending on the features. Many people can see the changes in them after using these mobile phones. People can watch movies in these cell phones and also listen to songs. These are also with the editing features like editing the documents, messages, etc. These mobile phones are the best source for communication and entertainment purpose.

Excellent Games for Your Smart phone

An excellent phone has multimedia, Bluetooth, Internet, Wi-Fi and games. These are some apps that combine to form a Smartphone. Most of the people love video games at homes. These games require a television, video games set and game chips. You have to play them with the remotes provided. The biggest disadvantage of this is that you v\can’t carry it everywhere. To provide a solution, manufacturers made such a phone that constituted games that can be played anywhere. These are the advanced phones that let you to play the 3D games and many more advanced games on your phone. This is a brilliant way to play the game and making yourself entertained anywhere and anytime you like. There are millions of games for PDA Phones available that will never let you feel bored. This is the best way that can keep you engaged in your free time. Games such as 2012, Cut the Rope, PipeRush and Smart Mahjongg are some few games that are famous all over the world and loved by kids especially. There are wide varieties of games that can be played online and even downloaded from the internet. Some are free and some apply charges.

The best phones of the world comply with these games and allow the users to play the exciting games anytime they like to. There are wide varieties of games for different section of gamers. Some may like poker games, some may like kidding games or challenging games or racing games that would entertain the category of gamer as their requirement. Kids love to play the racing and shooting games that includes such characters that create fun in their minds. This is a brilliant way to make their minds grow.

These games can be played online and the QWERTY keypad allows the user to play the games efficiently. You can become a champion of thee games if you are in a regular habit of playing these games. The smart phones are the emerging sun of the motivating and advancing technology and is making its users to feel proud for owing such a brilliant gadget into their hands.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Personal Hand-Held Smart phone

The amazing pocket PC has arrived in the market that is loaded with the extraordinary features and apps that are most important for the fabulous functioning of the stunning PDA Phones. These are the remarkable phones that are meant for hand held usage. These are the mini computers that the manufacturers have provided in our hands. The number of highly qualified apps is the part of these phones. They are the best personal phones that are integrated with touch screen, Bluetooth, infrared, web and many more features that make the appearance even more demanding. These are the classy phones that highly interacts your appearance. These astonishing personal phones are loaded with the scientific applications and tools that can let you do business inefficient and simpler way. Smartphone has the ability of graphics display and the QWERTY keyboard. These palmtop computers are the best and are well adapted to save the contacts, details, tasks and appointments and even exchange the messages.

The latest smart phones include the touchscreens, touch pad or the directional pad and set a number of hardware and applications. This phone is bundles with the number of apps that significantly installs in any PC and lets you to manage things easily. This is a wonderful phone and can even entertain you too. The effective Smart Phones have longer battery life and can solve all your problems related with long period of working. These days, consumers like such products that would serve everything in small package. Thus, various brands are manufacturing such gadget that would influence the minds of the customers as compared to earlier devices. These are the new generation phones that can easily be managed by youths. However, it doesn’t mean that grown ups cannot handle them but, they require some time to understand the functioning and procedures of these phones.

These pocket PC’s are manufactured by several brands and are massively growing up their place in the market. Many manufacturers bring up such apps and styles into their mobiles that make anyone crazy. Consumers are now becoming advanced and love the integrated features combining the mobile functionality.

Smart phones-The New Age Mobile Phones

The New Age Mobile Phone-so called Smartphone is a conventional mobile phone integrated with an advanced computing system. A smartphone enables one to communicate with people much like the basic feature phone. At the same time it helps one to perform computational work normally done by a computer. This handheld computer-cum Cell Phone uses a powerful processor with enough memory, a larger screen and a special operating system that brings the features of a communication system and a computational system on a single platform. The concept of the first smartphone called Simon introduced by the IBM can be traced back to the year 1992. In the following year the product was commercialized for public use by BellSouth. Subsequently mobile company giants such as Nokia, Ericson, Blackberry followed the suit. This multifunctional device besides being a mobile phone provide a number utility services such as address-book, scientific calculators, not-pad, fax (send and receive), e-mail, games and many more.

Many of the advanced smartphones are equipped with Touch Screen Phones to select different menus, functions, phone numbers etc. More advanced systems are also equipped with GPS, a large Megapixel (5 or above) camera with auto-flash, LED flash, 3G, Wi-Fi connectivity. The operating system of a smartphone largely differs from that of a conventional mobile phone. The first generation mobile phones were based on Symbian operating system.

Smart Cell Phones are indeed assets for the professionals on move. These phones keep them updated by constantly keeping them in touch with their office personnel, clients and others and at the same time assisting them to prepare their project proposals, presentations and other day-to-day computational work while on move. The smartphone can also be used as an entertainment accessory by them to relax after a hectic schedule. With a mere finger touch they can access on-line world of entertainment such as on-line music and videos or even browse important news papers and magazines. This multifunctional asset can turn into a disaster if not used properly. Particularly, the smartphones must be kept away from the reach of the kids. The kids may be exposed to the world of dreaded video games, pornographic and other derogatory sides unknowingly. Several reports have revealed that kids having access to smartphones have become victims of the ill-effects of this gadget. Finally, the smartphones today are not that smart to hide the identity of their owners. Reports show that professional hackers can easily break open the identity of the smartphone owner with a secret seven digit code. This is likely to increase the risk of more cybercrimes with the widespread use of this product.