Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pros and Cons of Cell Phones

Well it is not very long ago when Cell Phones were a rarity. Out of many hundreds, you might have found someone who used this. But nowadays it has turned the other way around. Means you will rarely find a person who will not have a mobile phone. Even the students of initial grades are found to be using this device in such an expertly manner that astonishes even the elders. This revolution has taken place within the matter of 3 to four years and it is still increasing to multiple proportions.

Obviously as the trend of these PDA Phones is increasing day by day, it also shows that there are some major advantages with this device which are making it more and more popular with every passing day. First and the main advantage of this device is availability of a person 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Any of your friends or your family member can contact you straight away if they need. Whenever and where ever you may be, you will come to know that someone is in emergency or needs your straight attention. Other than this you can also use your phone to keep yourself updated about what is going around you as many of the telecommunication companies provide different services of news, religion, weather updates and many more. So, it can become a source of knowledge for you as well. Along with the advantages it has many disadvantages as well. The main disadvantage of this device lies in its overuse. These days you will see every other person busy with his phone and wasting a lot of time in useless activities. Another disadvantage is its use while driving. It is very dangerous as well. People use their phones carelessly while driving and this results in disasters as many accidents have taken place recently just because of use of this device. Obviously tension is diverted and when you are listening to the person at phone, you tend to pay more attention to him as compare to driving.

Although, the cell phone technology is useful but it can become disastrous you use it without proper guidelines and rules.

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