Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cell Phone Turned to Smart Phone

It is quite obvious that the basic purpose of a cell phone is to receive or dial a phone call. But these days these devices are a bit more than that or in fact one can say that they are far more than just a calling device. They have taken the shape of a pocket computer from where you can send and receive emails. You can even surf internet from your phones these days. These are really very big achievements of the scientists for the service of mankind. Anyone on the move can do anything on his mobile phone, previously for which he needed a complete computer system or laptop.

Those mobile phones which are used for this purpose of internet surfing and emailing are known as smart phones. There are many companies who are well known in the department of making these smart phones. Blackberry and Apple I-Phone are two of the major and the most famous categories of smart phones. Blackberry is name after the company who manufactures it while I-Phone is a product of Apple a US based companies. They are famous for manufacturing Laptop Computers, I-Pods and many more devices like these. It is a dream of young people these days to get any of the mentioned categories of phones because they offer so many functions that getting bored in idle time becomes impossible. In fact with such a huge collection of joyful and enjoyable operations, these people tend to surf most of their time in exploring these devices. As a result, their all other activities and duties even the studies is neglected by them. This is the reason why parents usually do not let their children use these devices at very early ages. On the other hand if a child is smart enough and can manage his time accordingly, these phones are blessing for him because he can use them for his studies purposes and projects also.

It is very unfortunate that these phones are becoming a status symbol in most of the societies. But thanks to the new cheaper models introduced by these cell phone companies who have enable both the middle and poor class to purchase them and negate any complex.

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