Thursday, September 15, 2011

Top Features of the BlackBerry PlayBook

The tablet market has of late seen the introduction of very high tech devices. Tablet computers have revolutionized the mobile computing world, with the Apple iPad being viewed as the leader. However, the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook has changed that perception since it comes packed with more or less the same features and packs more power than the iPad or any other competing device. The manufacturers of the BlackBerry PlayBook are reputed for producing several business phones and thus have a record of accomplishment for delivering the best devices for both business and entertainment. What is more, the device comes with excellent customer support in the form of the BlackBerry PlayBook support to ensure that all customer queries are sorted out fast.

Many features make the BlackBerry PlayBook superior to most tablets already in the market. Some of these include its smaller and compact size, as well as the BlackBerry PlayBook apps support. This device is smaller, compared to most of the tablets that are already in the market; thus, it is more portable and suitable for the businessperson who needs to carry it everywhere they go. In addition, this device is designed to be ideal for running various apps with some apps like Google maps and Google search being embedded. The BlackBerry PlayBook has a large 7-inch screen, which has a very high resolution to make it easy for running apps.

Other features of the BlackBerry PlayBook include 1 GHz dual core processor, I GB of memory and supports external storage of up to 32 GB. It also comes with 2 cameras, a 3MP and 5MP camera at the front and back respectively. Some of these features may seem standard for most tablet devices but a closer comparison will reveal that indeed the BlackBerry PlayBook is superior. For instance, most tablets have a 1 GHz single core processor as opposed to the dual core processor of the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Most of the tablets in the market run on the Android Operating System or Window Phone Platform. The BlackBerry PlayBook however, runs on the BlackBerry Mobile Platform, which is a superior UNIX based Operating system for Blackberry Devices. Furthermore, the Blackberry as a brand is respected as the device of choice for business people due to its many office related features such as BlackBerry PlayBook contact management worldwide such as US, BlackBerry Singapore etc. People who interest in it could get BlackBerry price information and carriers. Therefore, this device is the definite choice for anyone looking for a tablet computer.

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