Friday, April 29, 2011

Finding Yourself with a Smart Phone

Modern mobile devices are capable of a multitude of functions, with thousands of down-loadable applications to enhance your life. These digital Swiss army knifes bring convenience and fun at the swipe and click of your fingers. Smart Phones are the future that has already arrived.

Smart phones are a new breed of cell phone, which is more like an all in one portable power house of a device. Smart Phones are widely available on the market today, used by the young and old. Original conceived as a business tool they have been adapted by users in every category. They are like mini-computers which allow you to check your email, browse the web, send text messages, organize your finances, take photos, watch videos and yes even make and receive phone calls. One of the first brand s to really pioneer this group was the RIM BlackBerry, which took the business world by storm.

One of the many functions and abilities of Smart phones is that they come equipped these days with some form of GSM, and GPS. GPS which is a global positioning system was first developed by the military to use satellites to pinpoint exact locations. Eventually in the mid 80's this technology was opened for civilian use. This amazing technology has a plethora of uses. Since the phone always knows where you are even if you do not it makes it harder to get lost. At the press of a virtual button a map will appear giving your location. They have taken this further by matching it with other apps that help you locate anything from the closest French restaurant, to the nearest movie theater playing the exact movie you desire, to finding old and new friends that are near.

This on-board GPS converts your smart phone in to a full on navigation system powerful and accurate enough to guide you in your car, boat or even on foot whether you are traversing the urban jungle or the highest mountain. This technology has made your smart phone that much smarter and your world that much smaller for every aspect of your life.

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