Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smart Phones: The Modern day indispensible

Touch screen phones, or smart phones are the indispensible electronic device for the modern generation. People belonging to modern day generation are not satisfied by making calls, typing messages, taking photos or recording videos anymore. They want the mobile phone to act in the same way their PC does. In the modern days, every one is busy, and nobody is left with plenty of time to finish the scheduled work. More importantly, people prefer those which have the multi-tasking ability. As a result of their demands, mobile manufacturers kept on innovating the mobile technology, and we found the smart phones.

Cell phones, since their invention, have come a long way in the path of technology. Earlier, we had the 2G mobiles, the first innovated form of mobile technology. Unlike the single colored versions, this particular mobile genre had the options like camera, multiple light emission capability, etc. However, they had limitations in their respective features as well. As compared with the modern smart phones, they did not have the facilities like video calling, conference calling, and polyphonic ringtones and so on. In contrast, smart phones have them all, and in fact, have a lot more as the additional features.

Smart phones can enable you to do a number of works. As for example, you are out for some work, but you have no idea about the weather forecast. If you have smart phones, do no worry at all about it. Just click on the weather update icon on the Touch phone, and instantly you will get the desired weather update. When you are out, you can find your destination and your location as well with the help of the GPRS technology. You are working out, and want to know how much calories you have shaded off. Smart phones can tell you even that also. Or you want to have some information about a particular topic. Just type the topic on the search engine, and you are done. Te usual features like chatting, video shooting, music playing are also present in the smart phones. In short, when you are carrying a smart phone, you are actually carrying your multi-tasking assistant with you.

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