Thursday, December 30, 2010

Important Smart Phone Features

We usually describe about anyone “smart”, who performs all the needed things perfectly and having all the updates in his finger tip itself. By this way we describe about top Smartphones too. Which should have all the necessary and advanced things [those required for our comfort] with in itself. Here we can see what are the necessary things needed for a complete smart phone .

Operating system: this is the fundamental one for the smart phones accessories. If it is wrong, then everything will go wrongly!

Document accessibility: one smart phone should be able to access packet office like Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, note one, power point and PDF.

Convenient with internet: this single word requires many things with in smart phone. That should have 3G, GPRS, and Wi-Fi at least. So that we can able to access over the internet with high speed and physical connection free.
File transfer: this is a must one, in terms of smart phones!! If any smart phone enabled with HSDPA and HSUPA, then we can avail the higher range of file transfer speed. [i-e] up to 10mbps for download and 7mbps for upload, depends upon the handset provider.

Network connectivity: a Smartphone should comfort with almost “all major frequencies” in all over the world. If a smart phone compatible with “quad band”, then we can avail this benefit.

Camera: now days camera quality also one of the essential thing for the smart phones.
It should have at least 5MP quality. In addition that can be zooming up to 8-10x.
Without flash, a camera can’t be fulfilled as a “smart”.

In addition to all the above things, orientation, interface, compatible with browser and compatible with other software are also essential one for Smartphones. Last but not least, smart phones should be available at cheap or convenient rate. Without this point, we can’t able to go through all the above statements.

We usually describe about anyone “smart”, who performs all the needed things perfectly and having all the updates in his finger tip itself. By this way we describe about top smart phones too. Which should have all the necessary and advanced things [those required for our comfort] with in itself. Here we can see what are the necessary things needed for a complete smart phone
Operating system: this is the fundamental one for the smartphones accessories . If it is wrong, then everything will go wrongly!
Document accessibility: one smart phone should be able to access packet office like Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, note one, power point and PDF.

Convenient with internet: this single word requires many things with in smart phone. That should have 3G, GPRS, and Wi-Fi at least. So that we can able to access over the internet with high speed and physical connection free.

File transfer: this is a must one, in terms of smart phones!! If any smart phone enabled with HSDPA and HSUPA, then we can avail the higher range of file transfer speed. [i-e] up to 10mbps for download and 7mbps for upload, depends upon the handset provider.

Network connectivity: a smart phone should comfort with almost “all major frequencies” in all over the world. If a smart phone compatible with “quad band”, then we can avail this benefit.

In addition to all the above things, orientation, interface, compatible with browser and compatible with other software are also essential one for smart phones. Last but not least, smart phones should be available at cheap or convenient rate. Without this point, we can’t able to go through all the above statements.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Smart Phone Features of Network Connectivity

Up to date, we are not cornered to know about this word ‘network’ completely in our smart phone. But in future, it is necessary to peoples who are frequently using flights and mobile. Means, who are going to travel frequently to many countries,

What is network connectivity?
Our mobile phones or smart phones can able to working under some frequencies only. Which can be able to support or matching with its frequency. Every country has some different range of frequencies for its radio devices.
To undergo this, four types of bands are come in to force.

Single band: some basic phones are comes with this single band only. They can be operated with this frequency only.

Dual band: this is two band frequency ranges. Both these two are comes below 850MHz.

Tri band: Phone, which has this technology, can be used in frequencies like 850MHz, 900MHz and 1800MHz or 1900MHz. so it can be used in any of these three bands.

Quad band: this is a four band frequency range. Those are 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900MHz. now day’s smart phones only have this technology. They can be operated under these frequency ranges.
Almost it covers entire frequencies in all over the world. If any one has quad band Mobile Phones, then no need to worry about network connectivity.

Most of the countries in Asia and Africa come under the range of 1800MHz.
Some examples of frequency
Frequency range 850 MHz - entire US, Canada and Brazil
Frequency range 900 MHz - Asia [except Japan and S.korea], Africa, Australia,
Frequency range 1800 MHz - Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Brazil
Frequency range 1900 MHz - US, Canada, Brazil

From the above table we can able to know the importance about range of frequencies and importance on network connectivity in our Mobile Phone.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to choose a good smartphone for your use

The world is fast moving with many new thing invented in the market every day, the technology plays an important role the economic welfare on a country. The mobiles phones are a great idea of invention to support and improve our communication with lightening speed. The smartphone is the latest trend around the world with millions of users; they find these smartphones to be friendly. One need not have a tough time without having a real friend, these smartphones can accompany you every where helping you in all aspects of life. The Smartphones can deliver good performance with speed that makes you wonder, but you need to shell out more money.

One need to identify the correct gadget for his use, if you are looking for a mobile phones with camera and music player, you can go for the basic smartphone. If you are a net surfer you can buy a PDA Phones which fulfills your needs. These phones are supported by Windows applications, which make the phone work like a computer. There are enormous models available in the market all you need is to identify the right one for you. When you buy a Smartphone always buy a branded one, there are many fake mobiles which can catch you attention but they are really not up to the performance. It is always better to take the advice of a gadget expert to buy these phones. You need to check the battery life and also the safety of these batteries.

The mobile phone is the only known gadget which is used to communicate faster. In the beginning mobile phones were considered as a luxury item, now it has become an item of necessity. Now days we can find these phones in the hands of kids and old people, they love to play with these phones rather than utilizing it in a correct manner. There are mobile phones which are made of recycled materials with beautiful designs. The present century is moving towards technological civilization and every one should adapt to the changes.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Smart phone the new revolution in communication

The invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was an amazing moment in the history of man kind; one is able to hear the voice of a person who is sitting thousands of miles away. The ordinary land phones have taken a new look in the form of mobile phones, which in turn has taken the shape of Smartphones. You many be surprised to know what a Smartphone is, in the earlier years a ordinary phone and mobile phones were used only for making calls .The emergence of the new revolution in technology has brought smiles on the faces of mankind with the invention of smartphones. The smartphone is the ultimate solution to all you imagination, one can make their life easy and comfortable wit the use of a smartphone.

These phones has resolution screen which makes a person to view the images clearly. The other features like Wi- Fi, Bluetooth and Edge are available in this mobile phone. The other great invention in the mobile phones is the PDA Phones which enables a user to access the web. There are many type of browsers one can download to access the net. The young generation is very much behind these phones, they buy these Smartphones to browse and fiddle with it more than calling. These smartphones are usually used by corporate people to work wit the office documents.

These smartphones has features like Microsoft word, excel and power point. If you are a person who loves to shoot pictures, the smart phone is the best option available for you. One can click beautiful pictures with the help of high definition camera and also make video albums. These mobile phones are made with touch screen technology, which makes this phone very easy to operate. One need to slightly touch the screen to select the application which ever is needed, some phones even has a stylus. There are many websites which can help you to buy a Smartphones, usually these phones come with preloaded software’s and one can download the other software’s using the browser. The smart phone is a mini memory that you can carry in your pocket.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The benefits of a smart phone in you life

The Smartphones play a significant role in our day to day lives, by making our lives easier and faster. These smart phones are the latest invention using the latest technology, which can make us wonder if this is real. These phones are embedded with various application that one use for various tasks. When you decide to buy a smart phone, the first thing you need to ask is how this phone is going to help you. The smart phones are available in different models which one can choose according to his affordability. In the previous years the mobile phones were used only to dial and receive the calls, these mobile phones have taken a new shape, and these phones have become smart phones. These phones are also known as PDA Phones, which supports internet

. One can use his mobile phone just like a mini laptop, and browse al the websites. One can even sit at home and complete this entire office job with the help of smart phone. These phones have Microsoft Windows supporting software’s that can access the data faster than an ordinary computer. The other features one can enjoy are Bluetooth, media player, camera, and GPRS applications. The GPRS is a very unique application which is built in the Smartphones which helps a person to locate the places. One can trace a lost person using the GPRS applications.

The first PDA phone was lauched by Nokia which has 3.5 inch TFT screen with 32 GB memory card. These mobile phones support dual simcards and made with 3G technology, one can even chat with a person with the help of video calls. The smartphones have taken a new revolution in the year 2010, with the introduction of aneroid soft ware which is embedded in these smartphones, these software’s are usually used in the robots. One can say that these phones are like mini robots in our pocket. One can even convert any language into other language. The Samsung Wave is the best example of a smart phone which has all the above features.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Smart Phone- Attractive genre of Cell Phones

Cell phones exist in the market since 1983. Due to the uniqueness of the concept, it did not take much time to gain popularity among the users. Keeping a latest cell phone is one of the common behaviors of people which are present in the world since that time. Using a cell phone which has some extraordinary features has been in fashion since the birth of cell phones. Cell phone industry is a field where technological advancement could be easily seen to a higher extent. If you do a proper market research you would find that something new is launched in cell phone market every week. One of the latest inventions of the technological experts is the Smartphone.

Smartphones is different from the other ordinary cell phones in basically two ways. First thing is the built of the product and the other one is the functionality. As per many cell phone users, the product comprises some unique features which enable it to act more or less like a PC. Elements like e-mailing, e-book reading; external keyboard makes the product a diverse and significant factor in the market of cell phones. Apart from the internet aspects, there are some other factors as well which receive special consideration of the users. Aspects like in built camera, standard GPRS System, and mini-keyboard are also available in most of the models. It is not that every product comprises the same features; every product has some unique elements which makes it different from other available range.

Smart Phones capture almost ten per cent of the total cell phone production launched in the market. In the recent times the product has been launched by several reputed brand names like Blackberry, Nokia N Series, Samsung, Palm Pre, etc. The product is attracting every genre of cell phone users. Be it a 35 years old business man or a 21 year college girl, the latest concept of the cell phone is becoming a matter of status as well as fashion for everyone. The product is becoming a must buy for every cell phone user who expect something new from his or her gadget.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smartphone- Buying Ideas

Smartphones have become necessity for all the cell phone users who want something extra. Making and receiving calls, sending and receiving messages are the features which is available with every ordinary cellular phone. However there are lots of things which a user might require from his phone. Don’t you feel a need of checking your emails or sharing any data with your clients while traveling? It’s true that laptops are meant for this purpose. However, if you are getting the same options in your cell phone, the job becomes easy as you are not required to carry extra gadget.

Here we are discussing about some of the factors which should be kept in mind while approaching any smartphone. The first thing which should be considered by every buyer of the product is the price. Due to the advanced features and unique technology used in the product, the price is quite high as compared to the other ordinary products. It is advised to the buyer to do thorough market research about the concept before approaching it. The product is available with various brands like Samsung, Blackberry, Nokia, etc. The price differs from brand to brand. One easy option to check the price is internet. You can search the official websites of various brands and find the difference of price among all the models.

Apart from the price of the Smart Phones, there is yet another factor which should be given a special consideration while approaching the product. It is the features available with the product. The features are not same in every model. Some or the other uniqueness could be seen in the various models launched by different brands. Some comprises the features of high resolution camera while some has the benefits of video calling. The list of the features included in various models is endless. Before going for any of the model check the standard and requirement of the features available with the cell phone. If you don’t like or don’t require a certain feature, there is no point in investing money on that particular object. These were some of the buying tips which could help you to get a perfect product according to your requirement and within your range.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Advanced Generation Smart Phones

We are living in the advanced generation with high technology that becomes the basic things in our life. Now days we just don’t have to communicate worldwide but the data storage, data management and different type of task have to do. In today’s pressurized life, entertainment is also very necessary for refreshment in any time. By keeping all these things in mind the mobile phones with the high technology have been introduced as the smart phones. These are the phones in which we can do some important work, we can communicate and can have the entertainment also. One can hear the music for refreshment and watch the videos also. The games are also available in such phones; especially in the multimedia phones it is very interesting to play games. So we can call it as a little toy also.

The memory spaces in such phones are also very high and expandable. As in the normal phones we can store only the contacts and the messages unlike that in Smartphones we can store songs, videos and much necessary information also. We can expand the memory in these mobiles. We can have the external memory for same also. The data management and data transfer is also a good characteristic of these mobiles.

The Touch Screen, QWERTY keyboard, pen based stylus. 3G and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) are some of the great features of Smartphone. By using touch screen facility, we can operate our mobile by simply touching the monitor. QWERTY keyboard allows us to type the message fast by assigning one alphabet to one key only. In Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) phones we can do natural handwriting also with the help of a pen based stylus. The 3 Graphics phone is the very new product and is the result of the high technology. The Internet connectivity is one of the main features of smart phones. We can use the internet in our mobile for some important work and as well as for the entertainment also. We can run the internet on the computer by using the GPRS facility of our mobile as well.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Best Featured Smart Phones

The new age mobiles are made to deliver the savvy technology. Today’s customer wants the efficient technology that can render the services to fulfill their requirement and can do the work speedily. The e-books and smart phones are some of most popular electronic devices. The most capable features of such phones make it the most popular product. Although these phones are little expansive when compare to the simple cellular phones, but if we compare the advantages of it with basic phones, then we find that it is not very much. One should be careful while he/she going to invest on it. He/she should consider his/her requirement according to the fund's availability.

We can have the pictures of Smartphones available in the internet also. So before purchasing it one can take a browse online as per their requirement and can know the features and prices before purchasing it. The full information can be gathered from the internet regarding the features, prices and looks. These internet reviews help the customers for sorting out the problems for taking decision to choose and reach at a conclusion with a very good decision. The people are becoming more high-tech day-by-day and are updated with the latest technology.

In today’s world, we can consider the Smartphone a very good hand sized gadget since it helps us in our daily work as well as makes us relaxed by giving entertainment. These high end mobile phones are boosting the demand in the market very fast. Since these phones have emerged the demand has grown very rapidly, and it will keep growing in the future also. In new Smartphones some new features have been added. Such mobile is becoming more popular. By the smartphones we get the data transfer, emailing and fax facilities also. By using the GPRS facility, we can access the internet in our computer through the mobile itself. It has the ability to connect the internet very easily and speedily. So it is a very good wireless phone. With the advancement of the technology, it is getting cheaper also, and many people are able to enjoy the boom of technology.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The full featured Smart Phones

Smart phones have come with many features of advanced technologies. So we can call it the full featured phones. One of its features is touch screen technology. This feature has attracted many customers since it is being introduced in the market. The facility of touch screen enables the user to use the mobile phone in a simple way. But many touch screen phones are available in the market with incomplete features. The customer can choose among different types of touch screen phones available in the market. The workings of the touch phones are similar to working with a computer with a mouse. So in this type of phones we can do applications through the screen directly.

If any person is interested to make more travels then he/she can use personal digital assistant (PDA) phones. The PDA cell phones have grown up very fast in the past few years. It is very easy to use and can be connected with the computer also. These Smartphones have many capabilities which generally computers have. But still the size is smaller than a computer to fit in your pocket. That’s why it is becoming very popular among the customers. So we can call it a pocket computer. Because it is very small in size, we can carry it anywhere as per our requirement. In fact, in the real sense it is more personal than a Desktop or Laptop Computer. As well as the demand of these types of phones is increasing. The need for the advancement is also increasing.

The Personal Digital Assistant chooses for the PDA device with the help of random access memory. The PDA phones are also preferable because it uses the RAM mechanism. The PDA is connected with the net, to further process the device. Such type of Smartphone looks very stylish. So if a person wants this type of good looking and stylish phones, then he/she can look through various types of such phones available in the market by considering the prices according to the availability of money. All these characteristics make the Smart Phones a most demanded product in the market.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Market For Your BlackBerry

Competition in smart pone market is increasing day by day, which is leading to advanced and efficient smart phones in the market whether it is Apple’s iPhone or BlackBerry.
In the 3rd quarter of this year, the Apple iPhone was said to be the most efficient satisfying performer and was said to be the star performer according to the report of strategy analytics. By its excellent performance Apple’s iPhone overtook RIM the maker of BlackBerry. On the other hand, Nokia was hit by a slip in their global market by 34%. The ratio shows that Nokia’s smart phone shipping ratio has fallen to 2 times as compared to the last year’s shipping ratio which was 3 times more than Apple. Nokia is not only facing competition from the like Apple, RIM but also have to face a high competition from ambitious Android smart phones such as Samsung, HTC & Sony Erricsson but all of this haven’t stopped or hindered Nokia in a very wider face, and it still leads the market by being the world’s largest maker of mobile phones & so far it still outsets the iPhone.

Although Nokia’s shipping slipped down, but its competitors had an increase in their shipping. Around 14.1 million iPhones were shipped by Apple, which was almost double the number from its previous year’s shipping in its 3rd quarter. While by improving its annual growth rate to 46% RIM shipped around 12.4 million phones and during the quarter.

The market voted BlackBerry Torch 9000 to be the second best selling smart phones because of its great ability of BlackBerry Videos in it. 64% of people were satisfied with its usage. But the market was ruled by Apple’s iPhone with almost 84% expressing satisfaction with its usage. The 3rd quarter of this year also showed a record when RIM shipped around 12 million smart phones & posted a net income of $796.7 million. “Due tothis the worldwide picture of smart phones remains highly positive and demanding” said by strategy analytics. The third quarter showed a huge increase going up to 77 million units from 78%. But the market is still struggling to come out of recession.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Availabilty of Smart Phones

There are different types of smart phones available in market. The latest Touch Phones available in markets are Huawei M750, Motorola Crush, Nokia N97 Mini, Palm Pixi Plus, and Palm Pre Plus. Among them Nokia N97 is a Smart Touch phone. It has both a touch screen and a QWERTY keyboard. The price range is between $ 69 to $ 549.Almost all these phones are having a talk time of more than 300 minutes and Bluetooth function.

There are many professional smart phone suppliers throughout the world. But most of them are from china and USA. The major suppliers of these Touch Screen Phones are Guangzhou Beon Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen BSD Technology Co. Ltd., Sam Tai Technology (HK) co. Ltd., Top mind Trading Ltd., Newtech International Ltd., Link-tech Technology (HK) Co. Ltd., XiamenTibo Import and Export Co. Ltd., Boda Technology co. Ltd., Fujian Rino Import and Export Tradind Co. Ltd. etc.

The buyers must take care of the facilities available in the different types of smart phones. They must compare among the memory status and Wi-fi facilities available in these phones. The data storage must be handled carefully and in a planned way. These phones are very much useful for businessman, professional computer users and also for the people who loves to listen music and play games especially with advanced quality. These phones offer high quality software .The selection for the operating system in a smart phone is most significant. Those who are engaged in business activities must select Windows Mobile smart phone as an operating system. It is more versatile due to its third party applications. The devices with low processor speeds are very much suitable with Palm OS. Symbian OS is very popular throughout the world. These smart phones are having some common features are QWERTY keyboard, speakerphone, digital camera, multimedia playback, Internet browser, Global Positioning System etc .Smart phones can be of different types based on their features like PDA, GPS, Wi-fi. PDA phones have evolved with more facilities than before. The smart phones with GPS facilities are operated through 24 US based satellites. It helps to know the current location of the device-user and update from time to time with the change of location. Not only has that it helped to reach a particular destination easily with voice cues. Again Wi-fi phones use different frequencies than other normal Cell Phones. Different manufacturers use different Wi-fi services in their smart phones.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Touch Screen and Camera Smart Phones

The technology is growing very fast with the rising competition and enhancing the demand for the same. Smartphones are very good examples. The reasons for the popularity of such types of phones are lies in its characteristics. Most of the Smart Phones posses many unique characteristics. Different types of Smart Phones are available in the market with different characteristics. The users can opt for the same according to their requirement and availability of the fund. These mobile phones are made by considering the different requirements of the customers, i.e. some mobile phones have some different characters, and some have been different. But many mobiles are coming with all these facilities and capabilities which a high technology phone should posses.

When someone is going to purchase a Smartphone he/she can have lots of choices with the availability of different phones with different characteristics. For instance, some mobile phones have come with the camera and some without camera. So the user can choose for the same according to his/her requirement and conditions for using. As in some places, especially in the workplace the camera mobile phones are not allowed for some security reasons. And some persons may want to keep all that memories which is unforgettable. So in the market mobile phones with both the characteristics are available to fulfill the requirement of both the customers.

Similarly, some people want the mobile with keyboard, and some may not. So for fulfilling their requirement the market has different types of mobile phones in terms of the keyboard. Some users may feel it easy to use the phone by keyboard only and the others are comfortable with the touch screen mobile phones. So by considering the same different kinds of smart phones are there in the market, we can choose the touch screen mobile without the keyboard or can choose for the keyboard mobile without the touch screen. We can have both the characteristics also in the same mobile, moreover. The QWERTY keyboard mobile phones are also available in the market. This facility makes it easy to write the message fast and thus saves the time also.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Usage of the Smartphone

Today’s world is a rapidly changing place, especially in terms of technology. We are becoming busier as the demands of everyday life increase, much in the same way that technology is developing. These technological advancements are making living our lives easier and more luxurious. Nowadays, many businesspeople heavily rely on communication devices and the internet. As we can’t be everywhere at once, we need to be contactable in many places. To overcome this hurdle, a lightweight, portable device for making phone calls, text messaging, writing emails and browsing the web, just to name a few functions, was needed. This is where the smartphone comes in.

Smartphones provide us with an effective solution. You can use the smartphone just to make and take phone calls, but you can also use it to surf the internet. As well as using a smartphone for work, you can use it for play, as there are all sorts of fun applications you can install on them. Other entertainment facilities include playing music and videos on smartphones. As well as all of these functions, smartphones have cameras so you can take photos and make videos of those special and important times. Now smartphones are coming with the 3G facility also, which adds to the multimedia experience.

Many smartphone designers are stripping away the use of keypads on the handsets, but some models come with both a touch screen and keyboard facility. This means you can handily flip between using the phone’s keys and just touching the screen. The QWERTY Keyboard on smartphones enables you to write as fast on the smartphone as you would type on a computer in the office or at home. Each button is assigned to a single letter on the QWERTY Keyboard, so you don’t have to press a button more than once to get the letter you require. If your smartphone only comes with a touch screen, you can easily navigate your way around the phone by gently touching the screen.

As a smartphone user, anyone can personalize and tailor the stylish device’s features and applications to their specific needs.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Different features of Smart Phone

Day by day, the mobile phones are becoming more futuristic. So the development is very necessary for the same. That is why the new technology is taking place very rapidly in this industry. Now days the mobile phones are not only a device to communicate, but we use it to fulfill some other purposes also. Smartphones are also the mobile phones, and it has all that applications that a simple mobile phone has. But it comes with some more functions and features to fulfill and facilitate some other purposes apart from the communication.

We can have some of the interesting features in smart phones besides the simple communication. These are the very high technology phones as it is sized very small to fit in the pocket and have many advanced technology features. We can call it the hand personal computer also as it has many characteristics that a PC has. It has the platform for the Operating System also. We can have the Random Access Memory facility in such type of phones also. These phones provide us different features like the e-book, e-mail and the Internet, etc. So we can use the Internet and can check our e-mails and search for some important things even when we are not in front of the computer.

The Smartphone has many more facilities also besides the Internet facility. For instance, we can have the mobile with Touch Screen, Big Screen, Personal Digital Assistant, High Processor, High Memory capacity, QWERTY Keyboard, Multimedia, Stylus facility, Camera and a very stylish mobile phone. In Touch Screen Mobile Phones we don’t need the keyboard as we can directly access the applications and do the work from the screen itself only. By using the Big Screen we can have the clear resolution and picture. Personal Digital Assistant gives us many characteristics of the computer. By using the High Processor and the High Memory Capacity, we can run our mobile very fast and can store a big amount of data. The QWERTY Keyboard enables us to type messages fast. The Multimedia facility and Camera enable the phone for video pictures and recording. By using the Stylus we can handwrite on the mobile screen directly. And its good look makes it very stylish also.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Smart phones a new change in you communication

Every need enjoys fiddling with their phones. They love to play music, shoot photos and share pictures. All these features are only available only in the smart phones, which makes this phone a unique from all other phones. The most amazing feature of the phone is the touch phones, these cell phones works on the basis of touch technology, all you need is a slight of your thumb to operate the phones. The touch screen phones are available in different models and cost. The most popular touch phone is the, I Phone, which is a 3 G this touch phone is a high end touch screen phone.

This cell phone can work in the 3G environment. This phone has the feature of GPS tracking, and this mobile phone supports App stores. This mobile phone has a high end camera that can capture high definition pictures. This cell phone can also be used for listening and playing video songs, this mobile phone have high capacity memory cards that store millions of songs and act as an, i Pod. The mobile are bit expensive when compared to other mobile phones. These mobile phones are a high demand in the market, and it is the choice of every customer around the word.

The younger generation is very crazy about these phones; they buy these phones for sharing pictures, chatting and browsing. These mobile phones are built with Windows operating system, which allows a person to download at a higher speed. The screen of the phone is 3.5 in inches wide, if you need to make a call you need to slightly touch the name or the number, it will be automatically dial the number, the key pad of there phones is QWERTY in from just like the blackberry. The touch screen phone requires a delicate handling because, these phones are made with delicate software technology, and it can be easily damaged. There are many dedicated websites, which can offer you these kinds of cell phones, and one need to select the correct model according to his/her use.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smart Phones: The Modern day indispensible

Touch screen phones, or smart phones are the indispensible electronic device for the modern generation. People belonging to modern day generation are not satisfied by making calls, typing messages, taking photos or recording videos anymore. They want the mobile phone to act in the same way their PC does. In the modern days, every one is busy, and nobody is left with plenty of time to finish the scheduled work. More importantly, people prefer those which have the multi-tasking ability. As a result of their demands, mobile manufacturers kept on innovating the mobile technology, and we found the smart phones.

Cell phones, since their invention, have come a long way in the path of technology. Earlier, we had the 2G mobiles, the first innovated form of mobile technology. Unlike the single colored versions, this particular mobile genre had the options like camera, multiple light emission capability, etc. However, they had limitations in their respective features as well. As compared with the modern smart phones, they did not have the facilities like video calling, conference calling, and polyphonic ringtones and so on. In contrast, smart phones have them all, and in fact, have a lot more as the additional features.

Smart phones can enable you to do a number of works. As for example, you are out for some work, but you have no idea about the weather forecast. If you have smart phones, do no worry at all about it. Just click on the weather update icon on the Touch phone, and instantly you will get the desired weather update. When you are out, you can find your destination and your location as well with the help of the GPRS technology. You are working out, and want to know how much calories you have shaded off. Smart phones can tell you even that also. Or you want to have some information about a particular topic. Just type the topic on the search engine, and you are done. Te usual features like chatting, video shooting, music playing are also present in the smart phones. In short, when you are carrying a smart phone, you are actually carrying your multi-tasking assistant with you.

Points of differences between ordinary cell phones & smart phones

When the name is different, there must be some or the other differences in both the genres of cell phones. Cell phone industry is a field where change is required every now and then for meeting the demand of the customers. That is why technical experts keep on doing hard work so as to provide something new to the people. They have made a latest change in the industry by launching smart phones. It is a newest invention which has captured the market of cell phone in no time. Users are getting crazy about the unique features available with this genre. Here we are discussing about the factors which makes this genre different from all the other ordinary cell phones. Lets have a look on them
A Smartphone, unlike the ordinary cell phones, acts more or less like a PC. The QWERTY Keyboard option as well as the touch screen present in this genre helps to handle the various features of product easily. Ordinary cell phones are available with every brand however this special genre of cell phone is available only with selected brands. Blackberry, Symbian, iPhone is some of such eminent ones. This is because in all these brands, 3rd party application is completely allowed.
Limited options like sending and receiving SMS, MMS, etc are available in any normal cell phone. However the case is different in Smartphones. There are numerous options which could effectively serve in your business as well as personal issues. Features like schedule tracking, email reading as well as sending, video conferencing as well as regular internet surfing are available in almost every variety. It also helps to properly manage different details related with our friends and family. It works as a personal assistant in a digital form.
Keeping this effective genre of cell phone would make a huge difference in your life. Your daily routine would be planned by this assistant who would help you to finish your work on time. This would also enable you to spend some quality time with your family. All in all it could be said that life would be very easy if you get this latest invention.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to buy the best Smart Phone of your choice

Smart phones are one of the latest concepts available in the cell phone industry. The gadget is highly popular especially among the youngsters as they are the people who keep on looking for some unique technologies in their cell phones. As the name itself suggests, this genre of cell phone is usually more advanced as compared with other products launched in the cell phone industry. Here we are discussing about the factors which should be kept in mind while approaching this genre.
Special consideration should be given to the features of the Smartphones. Not every variety of these cell phones is similar. You could easily find some or the other differences in the features. You can probably find some aspects which are highly important for you while some which are completely useless. There is no hard and fast rule that you have to select any particular cell phone of this genre even if you don’t like the features. There are several options available in the market. Today almost every renowned brand has launched different ranges of the product. So there is no crisis of options. A through research would help you to get all the features you require in the product.
Buying an effective Smartphone requires yet another point to be considered properly. That is the style or appearance of the product. No matter how functional or how costly the product, if the appearance of the cell phone is not eye catching, all goes in vain. It is always beneficial for the customer to take a close look of the product before spending money on it. The shape and texture of the pone’s body, the keypad as well the total length and weight of the product are some of the basic parameters which should kept in mind while purchasing any of the product available in the market.
By being somewhat conscious you can get an effective and efficient product of your choice that too at an affordable price. So next time you think of purchasing this latest genre of cell phones, keep the above mentioned factors in mind. You would be able to get what you actually require.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Smart Phones- a smart way of socializing

Businessmen are people who are usually find juggling with the high amount of work as well as mental pressure. Most of them find the 24 hours time too short to complete the tasks desired by their company. They find it hard to socialize or to have some leisure time for the sake of their peaceful mind. Many of them find some free time only when they are going to office or coming back from there. This is the time which could be well utilized for the purpose with the help of Smartphones.

Almost every Smartphone offers facilities to socialize or have some little fun. Sometimes the businessmen find it difficult to check their personal emails due to the heavy work pressure. However if you have the phone , you can effectively use the emailing option present in every model. This would help you to stay connected with your friends and relatives no matter how busy your lifestyle is. Apart from that, the feature of ‘Push Email’ also helps to stay connected with your superior and subordinates at any point of time. No matter where you are, you can always check the various reports related to your work. Another essential feature of the product is the video calling option. If you have not met your friend since a long time due to the hectic work schedule, the option can serve effectively for the purpose. Not only this you can also use it for the purpose of client meetings as well.

Smart phones are effective for staying connected with your hobbies as well. For example if Blogging is your passion and you can hardly do it due to your work schedule, the product serves you the best for this purpose as well. The keypad available with various ranges of the product helps the user to type smoothly. Due to this factor, blogging becomes easy. All in all it could be said that the product takes care of almost all the requirement of any businessman which is quite not possible due to the busy routine. So by keeping the product you can make the most of the features so as to socialize in your busy lifestyle to a certain level.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tips for Buying a Smart Phone

Buying a smart phone is totally dependent on the requirements of the user. You cannot deny that a smart phone, an upgraded version of a regular cell phone, is the talk of the town nowadays. Every one is running for a sophisticated smart phone. Sophisticated electronic gadgets have become a status symbol, and smart phones are spearheading this trend. However, you should remember some basic facts and tips while buying them.
Please notice that your own need is the primary concern for buying a smart phone. If your neighbor had bought the latest smart phone and accordingly you were to buy the same one, this will not be the smart behavior at all.

Secondly, comparing with the normal smart phones, a smart phone can surely be more convenient, but at the same time its operation is more complex. If you are not confident to handle the complex operations, please think twice before buying. After all, the phone can only service you when you can operate it.

Thirdly, after you have gained the confidence in operating this cell phone as the revolutionary device, you should match the cell phone's features with your requirements. Smart phones have many additional features that you may not need at all, however these additional features will cause the higher price. Therefore, please figure out the features you are looking for and then search and compare the smart phone model which has all the requisite features before your buying of a smart phone. As a tip, you can look for the online reviews of the smart phone models and make a shortlist for your decision.

Finally, please try to think of the uses of cell phones in details and consider your priorities before buying a smart phone. For example, the touch screen phones is a particular type of smart phone with a special screen specification. If you rely on the camera feature of your phone, you should consider wider screen smart phones, because bigger screens mean higher resolution in picture quality. In contrast, if you need heavy music download or for office needs, you should consider the memory size and system compatibility, which are two more attributes to consider for smart phones. Also, the price of a smart phone is a key criterion as well, and it is related to memory size, screen specification, camera quality and so on. As another tip, please make sure that the smart phone device fits with your PC system.